Chapter 47

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For Li Na, she had the experience of being a topic to talk by someone, mostly in her college years because of her shameful act of chasing the most popular guy. 

Those groups of girls would always give her disdain looks. Green tea bitch, promiscuous and indecent women were usual words thrown on her face. 

Remembering back, the one that always be with her when she was under depression and gave her the courage to continue chasing Ru Feng was only Fei Fei. Those episodes resulted in them getting closer to the point of inseparable and Li Na confiding and fully trusted her. 

So during her college years, the only person she closes with was only Ru Feng and Fei Fei. That's why it's natural for Fei Fei to be a middleman in the relationship between her and Ru Feng. 

In her past life, Fei Fei laughed and admitted that the one leading the blog and putting all black materials about Li Na was her all the way to insult her, throwing the fact of how stupid and fool she was. 

So this current level of being talked behind in the toilet does not concern her and she doesn't want to linger around those insignificant rumors.

"Take a look. This is a few lists of variety and music shows that you will make an appearance to promote the album. Tell me if there is any program you don't want to attend"  Li Na shown the papers to him.

In the training room, Gu Shen took the paper from her hand while wiping the sweat off with the towel. 

As a singer, Gu Shen had an aura that can draw people's attention to his every movement. Even he is not properly dressed, despite looked messy, he seemed more attractive.

After a heavy monitoring and forceful measure, its quite impressive that they can have a tacit agreement and finally built up the friendship. 

She sighed. Its pity that she never had a chance to use the hacker team provided by Shen Yun Tian to push him more.

While he skipped the pages carelessly, Li Na takes a few shots of him and upload them into his page on the Star Entertainment website and his official fan-page. His fan must be squealing at the sight of this 'serious' look on his usual carefree face.

On Gu Shen's fan-page, there are a lot of pictures of him practicing, fan meeting and concert's performance. She would upload information, recent activities and news to his fan while Gu Shen would reply to those encourage and lovely comments sent by his fan. For those malicious comments, treat them as nothing and put them into the trash.

The album sales' figure is rising and the songs keep climbing digital music charts. Their hard work felt worthwhile the moment  Gu Shen's song topped the CMusic Chart. She still remembers how her heart rapidly beating the moment was announced. 

Her career path was to smooth sometimes she wondered that Shen Yun Tian had put a hand into this matter, such as Gu Shen's song frequently aired in the radio, or a few movies   Although he didn't admit nor deny, she still rewarded him somehow.

After putting the papers onto the table, Gu Shen stretched his body, "Everything looked fine. But for those variety shows,  I would never do any circus or stupid performance. This handsome me have a high image".

Looks like after his song became hit, his narcissist value had risen to the sky. While rolling her eyes, Li Na scratched a few programs out of the list. 

"Are you ready to perform for the concert?" She handed the warm water to him.

"Perfectly ready. Just wait for me to shine on stage" He pulled out a confidence face and laughed. Well from what Li Na can see, he had worked hard and it's not an empty word.

Usually, Gu Shen performed on the stage as one of the performers but this upcoming event is only his solo stage. So the duration of the full two hours performance is quite heavy but Li Na knew he can do it.

The venue for the concert is in A City. Although A City and B City are just 4 hours distance, they need to go there earlier in preparation for the program. This means that she needs to sleep there for a few nights. Maybe once he obtained more popularity, they will travel to other cities or even internationally.

"Make sure to remember the concert's arrangement and do things as practice. Tonight takes a rest and prepares for travel. I will take you at 9 in the morning so get ready properly" As usual, Li Na would talk to him in a commanding tone.

"Yes, Madam" After saluted her like a soldier, he skipped to the bathroom. She shooked her head while laughed at his childish act.

After sent Gu Shen back to his apartment, Li Na drives home to pack her things for the travel.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She tried to focus on the work in her hand but the intensity of Shen Yun Tian's gaze on her is too hot that she quickly packed and moves to him.

"Like what?" He had a cold look on his face but Li Na still can feel his solemn aura. Is he sulking? She laughed and sat on his leg while hugging his neck.

She cheekily asked him, "You don't want me to go?" As usual, this cold man is so warm so she leaned on his wide chest in contentment. 

Shen Yun Tian sighed and hugged her tightly, "No. It's okay", He held her tightly and put his chin on the crook of her white neck. She only leaves for three days at most but the separation feels so heavy. He didn't want her to leave but to demand that is unreasonable since she goes there for work.

"Teddy?" She rises her face but Shen Yun Tian pulled her closer tighter, "Let me hold you" Li Na obediently lied back onto his arm and indulge in his musk scent. 

As tomorrow Li Na needs to awake early, Shen Yun Tian didn't ask for much. He just wants to purely hold her for the entire night. In that quiet night, the only sound accompanied her is the song of his heartbeat as they embrace each other. 


You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Please enjoy~~~Love you \(^v^)/

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