Chapter 54

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Li Na supposedly should already go to sleep but she didn't feel drowsy at all. The previous ill-thought still constantly played in her mind, stirred her in a bad way. She couldn't stand it!

So while looking at her husband, she opened her mouth, "Mr. Shen's charm is too great. It seems that there are many women wanting to be your suitor, right?" Her voice breaks the silence night.

Shen Yun Tian frowned, feeling the sour taste in her voice. He held her hands and circled her in his arms. As always he will carefully analyze and thinking what happened to her today and slowly a thought registered in his mind.

He stared at her with a smile full of temptation, "How do I feel that you seem to be jealous?"

Li Na squinted at him and said, "I am your wife, can't I be jealous?" Her tone is full of stubbornness and selfishness that only she has. Arrogantly used her right as his wife. As long as she is alive, see if he dare to play with her.

Her words made him almost lost his control. How can there be such a flattering girl in this world? She is so sweet. He really wants to eat her now and hide her in his stomach.

Li Na doesn't know the man's inner thought and continues raising her eyebrow to him. 

Shen Yun Tian maintained the smile on his face and said, "Of course you can be jealous, but I won't give you a chance to be jealous. Don't you know that I am very good"

He said that he was good. So narcissist. But his answer pleased her. "What good? See if you look at others when I become fatter and swollen, I will dig your eyes out and tie your hands and feets"

Her overbearing words only made his smile grown bigger. He likes it, "Okay, you can do anything" He circled her tighter, "In fact, you are so good. Fat or skin, both I love it"

 Wanting to prove it, he started to touch her squishy roseate cheeks that seemed to glow under the night lamp. As it doesn't feel enough, his hand wandered to her waist. The skin that he touched feels so smooth and soft. 

His eyes move toward her face and felt that since she was pregnant, her adorable seems to grow so well. Honestly, the added fats under her skin only increased her charm made it's unbearable for him to control himself the further he looked at her.

She slapped his wandered hand lightly "Okay, I understand enough. Let's go back to sleep"  How can this silent and strict man become sweeter? Must be infected by her. She smiles cluelessly.

While laughing in regret after losing the sense in his hand, Shen Yun Tian kissed her forehead, "Goodnight"

Li Na coquettishly said, "I want my Teddy to hug me to sleep" He showed a spoiled expression and hugged her as she settled in his arm peacefully.

Feeling her breath turned steady, he looked down and confirmed that she had already felt asleep. After letting out a sigh, he quietly whispered, "You really love to torture me, aren't you?" 

He quickly went to the bathroom to wash with cold water. After finally calmed down, he quickly went to bed, hugged the softball in his arm and slept with her.


You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Love you \(^v^)/

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