Chapter 64

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"Do you want to go to work? If you still want to continue working, I will discuss with Bai Li to call off the punishment. The penalty didn't have any effect actually. It's just a black and white requirement, and it didn't apply for you" While talking to her, Shen Yun Tian straightened up his well-tailored shirt and then buttoning his cufflink.

"No, it's okay. You don't have to do that". While sitting on the bed, with her head leaning on the pillow, Li Na shook her head and continue staring at him. 

The sunlight entered into the room through the room dazzled the edge of his figure with brilliant golden light, making his whole person looked noble. However, because of his cold and serious expression, the onlookers can only appreciate his looks but can never have the courage to approach him. Li Na sigh at this sight. She can never get tired waking up early every day just to admiring the beauty.

Shen Yun Tian felt her strong gaze on him and the ark of his lips risen pleasingly. He approached the bed and sat beside her. He gently held her soft and white hand and bring it toward his neck. "Come one, help me" Li Na dazedly look at his sexy adam's apple vibrated when he spoke. What did he want her to help? She blinked her eyes repeatedly. It's in the morning and she is still pregnant. Beast! 

The vigilant in her eyes made him chuckled and he softly knocks her head, "What are you thinking about? Come on help me tie the necktie" Shen Yun Tian show the necktied to her. Li Na's face automatically turned red, "What do you mean? I just thinking about how to knotting the tie" 

She tried to hide her embarrassment and pull out a straight face but her cuteness only making him want to tease her, "Oh, I thought that your hand is still sore that's why you are having difficulty"

Li Na looking down at her 'sore hand' and the memory of the previous night come into her mind, how long she had used her hand to ease down his vigor until she started to beg him to finish and release her. "Why would I have a sore hand. I am perfectly fine" She quickly took the tie from his hand and start to wrap the tie around his neck.

With a naughtiness in his eyes, he continues saying, "Then, tonight you can he-" Li Na immediately shut his mouth with her palm, pausing her works. The redness on her face had spread to her whole being. "Shhh, I have to concentrate" Before she removes her palm, he still able to kiss it. 

Because this is their morning daily routine, Li Na had become skilled compare to the first time she knots his tie and she can quickly finish it but because he had teased her earlier, she wants to exact the revenge on him. Knowing that he can't do anything to her, occasionally she would scratch her cold hand onto his throat knot, teasing him back. The difference in temperature made his body tightened, but he let her and continue indulging in the sweet torture.   

After having enough fun in stretching out her paws and testing his patience, finally, she tied his tie perfectly and shrank out from his embrace quickly. Yes, currently Shen Yun Tian can't do anything to her but he still didn't want her to go.

Like a fierce beast, while protecting her belly, he pressed her down onto the bed and kissing her and turning her breathless. His towering figure enveloping her figure giving her an illusion that her whole world is only being filled with him. The faint smell of soap from his body slowly changed to a full male pheromone blasting into her nose. 

"Just wait after giving birth, I will totally eat you whole" While her head is dizzy, Shen Yun Tian takes the last bite on her lips and let her go. Her swollen and red face giving a sense of a ravaged beauty and he coughed lightly, guilty about his uncontrollable desire. 

After he moved away, Li Na wrapped herself in a quilt and letting only a small opening at her eyes to observe Shen Yun Tian while calming down. After about a year being together, she knew that she was being fooled. A serious and cold look at the first impression is a lie. He is full of vigor and playfulness. But she likes it. 

She loves that he was opening the door for her to know the real him. She is not stupid. She realizes that sometimes he tried to hide his thought and push her away but she is confident that the longer they became together and she will uncover all of his hidden sides. 


You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Love you \(^v^)/

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