Chapter 17

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Its been a long time since Li Na last been in the department store. In her previous life, the overwhelm depressed emotion and miserable condition made her enclose herself in her room, pondering in Ru Feng whereabout.

And when she goes outside, her thin wallet preventing her from buying the things she wanted. Some of the storekeepers even hushed her away when she tried to get into the store, knowing that she can't afford the price.

It's not that she did not know that she can't bear the expenses while shopping but, imagine that just a moment before she was still a daughter from a rich household who used to never look at the price while shopping. And now every single thing needed her attention to calculate the cost. Its make her feels dejected.

Furthermore, her continuous weight gain resulting inability for Li Na to fit in the clothes she had her eyes on. Her fashion aesthetic value is still the same as when she was in her slender figure thus it's hard for her to buy clothes she chose.

Whenever her eyes catch on the fashionable clothes on view, discourage and frustration feelings keep emerged in her heart. Thus, she didn't even want to go near the store and indulge in her low self-esteem.

But now, walking inside the stores, she feels confident. Her slumped shoulder becomes straight and her chin getting higher. The rich sense that she had lost before now return back.

Knowing that the shopping experience will bored Uncle Li, Li Na asks him to wait at the waiting lounge as she enters a boutique that putting sets of the new arrival of bags and clothes at the women's collection.

She feels impressed with their quality. The touch of the material on her hands feels comfortable as she skims through.

After a few rounds at the women's section, she inspects a blue handbag. The elegant kind that emits expensive sense but not too showy.

As a habit, she looks at the price tag. And that makes her shaken. A wry smile appeared on her face. Not only the bag emits expensive sense but its truly expensive.

A saleswoman that had always look at Li Na since she enters the shop noticed her reaction and with an arrogant look, she approaches her.

"Hey you, put it back!".

The loud voice of the saleswoman surprised Li Na and that makes the bag in her hand fall onto the floor.

"Are you crazy?! If a scratch appears on it, I will make sure you live in debt!" The saleswoman roars at Li Na as she takes the handbag and inspects it.

The commotion attracts all the customers inside and they come to look for amusement. The saleswoman always does the job in driving away the poor people that come into the store without knowing their own capability. And they enjoy watching it.

This time its look like the bad luck fall onto Li Na. In her jeans and shirt, she looks like an ordinary young girl that strolling on the street. Some of them are even snickers when looking at her.

The stares from the saleswoman and the crowd make Li Na become pale. She remembers the scorn gaze she felt before in her previous life and that makes her tremble in shame.

"Its fall because of your voice surprised me!" Li Na explains for herself.

"Now this girl is blaming me. What an excuse! Give me your name and details". The saleswoman sharply looks at her.

Receiving those treatments, Li Na doesn't want to be in that store anymore. She decides to ignore the saleswoman. Without saying anything, she takes a step to the boutique's exit.

"Hey! Where are you going? We are done yet". The saleswoman grips Li Na's hand and pulling her. Her abrupt movement makes Li Na fell flat on the ground.

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