Chapter 40

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The music started. A melody swaying the heart into a deep dream is playing in the background perishing the sound of the crowd. The woman gazed into their man's eyes with an expectation and with a gentleman manner, the man started to pull their partner's hand toward the center of the hall.

With the music to accompany them, the man leads the woman movement as they dancing with a graceful motion.

Li Na couldn't help but look at the dancing crowd intensely. The envy filled in her eyes could be hidden.

"What are you looking at?" Shen Yun Tian pulled her attention toward him. There is displeasure sense in his tone and it only went when her eyes directed back to him.

"Looking at their dancing. It's beautiful". Li Na sighed and looked at them again. 

"Do you want to dance?" He held her hand, kissing them while his eyes still locked onto her face. 

"No". She refused. "I don't know how to dance. Afraid you will get embarrassed" Shying away from the invitation.

Shen Yun Tian doesn't loosen his hold. He pulled her gently toward the dancing stage. "No. No. No" Li Na shakes her head while her legs following him.

"Shh... release yourself and just follow my lead" His husky voice whispered into her soft ears made them flushed red. He really wants to pluck that red fruit but he grasped that his itching hand tightly and restrain his urge, afraid that his desire would result in their night come earlier.

"Look at me. Don't worry about anything else" He pulled her chin to let her stray eyes focused on him.  With a little force, he pulled her body toward him, let her perfectly fit into his embrace.

With no space between them, the smell of matured man infiltrating into her nose made Li Na felt dizzy and suffocated that her refusal slowly lessening and she fell into his deep eyes.

The music had changed into a slower and mellow tone. Shen Yun Tian placed his hand on her waist and positioned her into a dance stance, "Relax and lean on me". As if being possessed, while gazing into his eyes, Li Na let herself completely in his hand. 

In the world of their own, they glided from place to place, arms held in front as their fingertips touching warming their heart. Although her feet sometimes stepped onto his feet, he doesn't stop but continues holding her tighter. With how he carefully treat her, Li Na unwittingly smiles and enjoy the moment.

With the song come to finish, Shen Yun Tian reluctantly released her but looking how her face flushed, he let her go. "Are you having fun?" 


You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Please enjoy~~~Love you \(^v^)/

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