Chapter 23

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Li Na looks at the outside through the bedroom's window. She had woken up quite late as the time seems to had turned evening already.

"Uhhh..." She lets out a long whimper of grievance as she felt the painful sting at the certain part of her body when tried to move.

"Bastard..." Li Na mutters a slow curse when remembered how Shen Yun Tian handled her before. Although she said that, a tint of redness was developed all over her face, embarrassment of their wild action. 

"Who?" A deep voice behind made Li Na turned her head around. Her eyes wide open as a gasp leaks out from her small red lips. 

"Mr. Shen?! You are here?" She was shocked. Thank God she was wearing a shirt or it's going to be so embarrassing to even facing him.

 While wearing a thin glass, Shen Yun Tian was holding a book. He leaned on a chair situated beside the bed as he looked at her. Li Na noticed that although he still wears his standard shirt, he seems to be more ease and relaxed. 

Realize that Li Na had already woken up, Shen Yun Tian closed the book, removed his spectacles and put them on the table. Slowly he approached Li Na and held her closely, enveloping her in his strong arm while his face came nearer to her face. 

"Then, where should I be?" His hot breath grazed on her face not only made Li Na felt itch but her heart beating faster.

"I thought you went to work". She slowly whispered. She was unable to continue facing his strong gaze and gave up, lowering her face. But he raised his hand and gently pull her head up by pinching her chin. He wanted to see her expression, knowing what played in her mind.

"You want me to?". Shen Yun Tian asked. As if knowing what her answer will be, he continued, "You are more important than anything"

His eyes were so gentle on her. How can he let her wake up alone after tossing her around? He wants to let her know that they were not only having sex but were also made in love yesterday. 

Although she didn't know what he was thinking, Li Na can see that the corner of his mouth was slightly bent. There was a tingling sensation in her heart that urging her to touch his thin lip so she raised her hand, pulling him down and kissed him. 

Her bold gesture made him startled but he quickly reciprocated. Shen Yun Tian held her tightly and deepen the kiss. His hand continued softly stroking her back, caressing her. Their action was not wild and crude but slow and tender. Appreciating each other. 

While holding him, suddenly a sound coming out from Li Na's stomach. Immediately her face became red in embarrassment. This reminded her that she had not eaten anything start from yesterday night until today. 

But to make a sound during hot kisses was really shameful. 

She wants to continue their passionate move and ignored the sound but Shen Yun Tian pulled himself away and looked at her face. 

Although Shen Yun Tian didn't say anything, a chuckle released by him made Li Na stunned. Is it really Shen Yun Tian that is currently laughing? Not only he was smiling but now, he is laughing too. She had never imagined that she can see these things to happen and occur on the same day too.

"You are laughing? Why?" She asked in disbelief.

Noticing how amazed Li Na was, Shen Yun Tian turned back to his serious self and gaze at her "Because of you." 

"I had already asked Hwang Ma to prepare the food. So you can eat after get ready" He let out a slight cough and immediately changed the topic to hide his awkwardness. 

Still, Li Na pondered on his words. 

'I am able to make him happy'. The realization sunk in her mind made her smiled. She looked up and see Shen Yun Tian.

Her heart felt so light and calm. No longer burdened with sins of the past. Her salvation was only him. Made him smile. Made him able to laugh. Stayed and loving him.

Her strong gaze on Shen Yun Tian made him become nervous and restless. So, he takes the towel at the rack and handed it to her, "Do you want me to help you?"

While smiling, she shook her head and took the towel, "No, it's okay. I can do it" Li Na quickly moved her body to the corner of the bed. 

Confidently she tried to stand up but the after effect of yesterday passion was too much that her legs giving out.

She is going to fall! Somehow before falling on the floor, strong arm immediately held her. Preventing her from getting hurt.

"Are you okay?" His worried voice came into her ears. Li Na looked up and saw how his anxious his face was. She didn't know that he was attentive to her that in that quick moment he able to grab her. She was really being cherished.

Surrounded by his wide arm, Li Na felt so secured and she enjoyed it. Although there was a thin cloth separate them, she still can feel his hot skin, warming her. Thus, she didn't take any action to move away from his entrapment.

 She always wonders how he able to hold her up so easily like her weight means nothing to him. Although she didn't consider to be heavy like in her past life, her current weight was not light either. 

"Are you really fine?" Her daze looks made Shen Yun Tian frowned further. He lowered his head down to the same level as her. 

She nodded her face slowly. "Yes. It's just my legs giving out but its okay now".  A sheepish smile leaked out from her smiling face. She tried to stand up and it seems that her legs were fine. Maybe her abrupt movement doesn't give her leg enough time to move yet.


Sorry for late update. Please enjoy reading~~

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Love you \(^v^)/

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