Chapter 73

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The time is already in Mid-May and the weather is getting hot. Most of the time Li Na would not go outside and play with Ming Ming. Although she still couldn't speak, she was already able to giggle so when Li Na played the mini-game of 'disappear and appear', the cute sound of Ming Ming's laugh can be heard in the living room.

Ming Ming's length has grown to 72 cm and he can already sit. Ming Ming is in a curious phase as she wants to catch everything so Li Na has brought some soft animal dolls for her to hold and play with.

Li Na looks at her baby with loving eyes. With continuous care and medical check-up, Ming Ming is a healthy baby. Her growth in these few months made Li Na fascinated and amazed that she couldn't stop but to record the video of her baby and show it to Shen Yun Tian.

Shen Yun Tian entered the house and looked at both mother and daughter playing and his heart was full of happiness. He walked to them with a smile hanging on his face.

The sound of his footsteps made Li Na turned her head to him. Looking at the clock, she didn't realize that it's already lunch.

After giving birth, it's usual for him to return home for lunch. So it's not surprising that he will come back around this hour.

"I thought you weren't coming because it's raining outside." She took the already prepared towel and dried his wet hair. Seeing how Shen Yun Tian coming home despite the downpour made her frown in worry.

"The rain is not a problem." He wants to spend each moment with her and for him, the weather is not an obstacle.

There is only a little wetness on his shoulder and hair but Li Na's movement is still vigorous. It is not good if he will fall sick.

Because of the disparity in their height, Shen Yun Tian bowed his head down so she can easily wipe his head. The close distance made him smell the milk scent on her body. Because of this temptation, her pure action became a seduction in his eyes.

Shen Yun Tian put his arm around her and kissed her red lips. The towel in her hand dropped, from his head, her hand moved to hook his neck and she closed her eyes in response to his touch.

As no one is left to entertain her, Ming Ming let out a cry. Their passionate session stops at the sound of their daughter's fusses. Li Na pushed him away in embarrassment, thinking that it was inappropriate to show affection in their living room because Hwang Ma may walk in and see them.

Her small force plus red face made him want to continue kissing but the continued sound of Ming Ming crying stopped his urge. Shen Yun Tian softly biting Li Na's lips before letting her go.

He looked down and touched Ming Ming's chubby cheek, "Is Ming Ming a good girl today? Are you troubling Mama?"

Seeing Shen Yun Tian's attention on her made Ming Ming excited and stopped crying. Her hand and foot raised up and down while her mouth kept making incoherent noise. He laughed and raised her little body up from the ground.

He kissed her smooth baby cheek, "Of course Papa's daughter is a good girl." Ming Ming continues giggling and playing with Shen Yun Tian.


You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Love you \(^v^)/

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