Chapter 8

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Li Na standing nervously on the door. Contemplating about how to knock the door. Should she do it gently? Or cheerfully? How about aggressively?

She draws her mouth into a straight line and biting her lips. Well, just knock it gently doesn't do any harm. Just as she raised her hand, the door is open from inside.

Li Na awkwardly put her already raised hand down. As she looks up, she sees Shen Yun Tian come out with a fully attired cloth.

His shirt perfectly outlines his well-built body. It's showing how flawless his body is.

It can be seen that Shen Yun Tian is someone that taking care of his appearance and health.

He would make sure to wear his shirt completely even in his own house. Somehow Li Na noticed that his collar shirt is unbuttoned. Through that small gap, she can see his strong chest hidden behind that shirt.

Since he had just taken a bath, his masculine scent keeps infiltrating Li Na's nose. She feels heat spread through her body. Makes it hard for her to breathe.

"Are you okay, Li Na?" Shen Yun Tian bowed down to examine her. He notices that her face kinda flushed in red.

"Uh...?" Li Na answers in dazed. Her eyes are unfocused. She blinks her eyes to regain her attention. The thing is when she looks straight ahead, a beautiful scenery blowout her mind.

As Shen Yun Tian bowing his head, the gap of his shirt collar is widening. She can see his chest line clearly. It's alluring.

Her rosy cheek becomes crimson light now. She really wants to trace her finger onto that magnificent piece.

"Hey, are you okay?" Shen Yun Tian notices that Li Na condition worsen. He wants to put his hand on her forehead to probe her temperature. But when his hand is in the air, he hesitates.

Arent this action is too intimate? He frowns. He sighs and puts his hand back down but before he moves suddenly Li Na takes initiative by holding his hand and put it on her forehead.

Her hand felt so soft like silk different when compared to his rough like hand. Shen Yun Tian couldn't help but trembles when their skin is touched. The nervousness he feels only making him become rigid and stiff.

His eyes never stop watching her expression. Wondering why she did that? But still, he muted. Don't want to ask in case she may push him away.

"Why you look at me like that? Don't you want to do this?" Li Na asks with a confident tone.

She noticed that once more this awkward man is going to restrain his actions. Thus she needs to take a lead.

Shen Yun Tian deepens his brow and focuses on the heat he feels at his hand. Yes. It's hot. But he doesn't know whether the heat leaked come from his hand or her forehead. He likes this warmth.

Li Na feels how his hand is so big and his finger is longer compared to her. And those hand currently tighten as they touch.

However, as he stays touching her eventually he becomes more ease. Li Na notices this and enjoys their close contact.

She continues indulging into that feeling, but somehow a grumbling sound that comes from her stomach disturbing that moment.

It's reminding her that she supposedly should invite him for dinner. Her face becomes redder. She embarrassedly released her hold on his hand.

"Actually I come here to ask you for a dinner. So see you at the dining table". Li Na explains. She tries to ignore her embarrassment and said nonchalantly. But in Shen Yun Tian's eyes, she looks so adorable with that expression.

After said that word, Li Na runs flusteredly from his room and go down to the dining table. She beats her head lightly while mumbles how shameful she acted in front of him.

It's a pity that Li Na doesn't notice that behind her, a slight ark is curved upward on Shen Yun Tian's cold face.

"Where is Young Master, Young Madam?" When she comes to the dining table, Hwang Ma asks since there is no Shen Yun Tian figure beside her.

"He will come down in just a moment". Li Na calmly answers her. Hwang Ma notices that Li Na's face is uncommonly red. She knew that something 'uncalmly' had happened.

"Yes. Young Madam". She smiles warmly at Li Na. Li Na face becomes redden. Hwang Ma's smiles make her remember the embarrassment.

As Li Na waits for Shen Yun Tian, Hwang Ma go to her room so she can give the couple private time. It's good for them to cultivate their feeling.

Shen Yun Tian comes down and sees Li Na is sitting and waiting for him. As she sees that he has come down, a smiles formed on her adorable face.

"Mr. Shen lets eat together". She stands up and put a scoop of rice on his plate. Shen Yun Tian dazedly looking at her smooth movement.

"Why standing there? Come sit here". She pointed a sit in front of her. Even when he is moving, his eyes continue stares at her.

Li Na looks at how this awkward person stiffly taking a sit and can't help thinking that he is so cute.

Shen Yun Tian asks, "Why suddenly you want to have dinner with me?" Shen Yun Tian asks her. He is stunned to see that Li Na truly waiting for him at the table.

Li Na usually eats her food in her room. It can be said that most of her time, she spent in her room. They had never eaten together since marriage except at the wedding ceremony.

That's why he set up lots of camera in the room, not only to observe her but to keep her safe.

"Just because. Are you uncomfortable with my presence? Should I go and eating in my room?" Just as she wants to move, Shen Yun Tian immediately stops her.

"No. You should eat here. It's more proper to eat on the dining table. It's not good to eat in your bedroom". His gaze becomes sharp so his words filled with commanding tone.

Li Na bites her lips. He is obviously want to eat together with her. But his way in talking is really awkward. If she doesn't understand him like before, of course, she is going to bolt away.

But not now. Li Na finds out that this side of him is quite attractive. The more she interacts with Shen Yun Tian, the more she sees his adorableness.

"Let's eat then". Li Na puts a lot of dishes variety into her plate and eats it. Her eyes never stop observe Shen Yun Tian's action.

Shen Yun Tian has a good table manner. The way he handles and holds the utensil is so elegant. Li Na can see that he is so reserved when compared to the way she eats.

Since she had left before, the proper way of dining etiquette had long been forgotten. Her manner is crude not like a daughter born in a rich family.

Li Na notices that Shen Yun Tian keeps on putting a spoonful of many spicy dishes into his plate. She knew that his stomach is not comfortable with those food. Isn't this like torturing himself?

"Mr. Shen, do you really like spicy food?" She asks.

That question makes his action stopped. He looks into Li Na eyes and without hesitation, he nodded. "Yes. I love spicy food".

His answer aggravated Li Na's heart. For what must he copy her favorites? Just to accompany her? Is it really necessary?

"Good, but actually I don't like spicy food" Li Na shows displeasing looks. Shen Yun Tian looks confuses.

"Don't you love eating spicy food? Why not now?" He looks at Li Na trying to see why suddenly she had a change of taste.

"People change. So do I". The words she says implying to everything. She had changed. But these change for better. For both her and Shen Yun Tian.

They continue eating at ease. Since Shen Yun Tian is someone that doesn't quite fond of speaking while eating, Li Na didn't continue chatting and enjoy her food.

This time, Li Na can see that Shen Yun Tian no longer takes any spicy food into his plate. She feels relief.

While drinking the water, she hides her smiling face behind the cup.

'At least this person no longer get stomachache '

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