Chapter 59

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Dragging her injured and wounded body, Du Xi slowly walked to her house. Along the way, she keeps winced each time the pain spirals all across her body. 

She keeps remembered how CEO Bai Li had beaten and blamed her for all that had happened in a rage. Although his injury was worse compare to her, Di Xu still felt a deep resentment in her heart each time the pains were inflicted. 

Remembering all those words she wrote on the slides before, although some are speculation, there are all are true! Just because Li Na had a strong background, she had to embarrass, lowered herself. and apologize to her. Her red-rimmed eyes were full of anger.

After reaching her house, Du Xi let her dress slid back over her withering leg and came inside the bathroom. Looking at her beat-up body in the mirror, she gritted her teeth. Although there is no broken bone and her face isn't scarred, it still looked worse, especially for a girl's body.

She wants to report their abuse on her to law enforcer but knowing the identity of the one behind Li Na made her dismay. Even her own body is the solid proof to sue them, she had a hunch that it will not be that easy to get justice.

After cleaned herself, the door was ringed. Di Xu came toward the door and look at the peephole. The action on wanting to turn the knob stopped once she realized that behind the door is the one she least anticipating. The person is Li Na!

After a moment of hesitation, she finally opens the door to welcome the uninvited guest. 

After her bodyguards swarmed into her room, Li Na slowly walked inside with a haughty look written on her face. Without being offered by Di Xu, she sat on the chair, full of confidence and pride.

Sitting there, surrounded by bodyguards, even though Li Na was heavily pregnant, Di Xu felt threatened that she reflexively fisted her hand. Li Na's face is no longer soft and weak like how she portrayed before at the company. 

"Why you come here?" Pressing down her fear, Di Xu spoke through her crackling voice.

Li Na folded her arm across her chest and narrowed her eyes, "Don't you already know? Of course to exert revenge. Somehow the scene of how you humiliate me keep on repeating in my head that I can't let you go"

"What are you saying? Aren't you already let me go before? You can't do this to me" Her eyes wide with horror. She doesn't want to feel pain anymore.

"Do you thought I really let you go? Do you think I am similar to you, like a loud siren, love to embarrassed people in front of others? I have a face you know. Don't you see their admiring look when I left? This is called having a character" She said as a matter of fact. 

Noticing that Di Xu wants to escape, Li Na gestured her bodyguards to hold her. Di Xu turned her wrist in up and down in an attempt to escape, "No! No! I already being beaten by CEO Bai Li. Let me go" 

"How CEO Bai Li beat you doesn't have any relation to my revenge" Li Na stands up and slowly approached her. 

"This is for ruining my image"She raised her hand and slap Di Xu. "This is for obstructing my works" A smacking sound was heard. "This is for screwed up my hard works" A series of slaps were continued as Li Na keep on releasing her dissatisfaction.  

The slaps were as loud as a clap and stung Di Xu's face. Just below her eye were small cuts where Li Na's ring had caught her. Di Xu staggered backward, clutching her face, eyes watering as she looked at Li Na with her tears leaking eyes.

Di Xu felt unfair and wronged. "Go to hell!" She wiped the tears on her face and immediately lunged forward to attack Li Na. Before her finger able to reach Li Na, her bodyguards quickly pulled and held her down.

Li Na lowered down and pinched her chin, "You felt resent? Wronged? So what. Didn't I tell you before that you can't afford to mess me up? If only you listen this won't happen" She tapped her scratched face pitifully.

Di Xu wanted to bite Li Na's finger on her face but the bodyguard pushed her face onto the floor until she doesn't have the strength to move.

"Since I feel much better now, treat all of this as a lesson. I will not look for you anymore. If you wish to retaliate, don't blame for being vicious" Signaled the bodyguard to release her, Li Na let Di Xu go and walk away from her house.

Before exiting, she turned her face to Di Xu and coldly smiled, "By the way, I already come back from hell" So she doesn't want anyone to come in her way and provoke her anymore, or else she will really go crazy.


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Love you \(^v^)/

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