Chapter 56

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After arriving at her office, Li Na pulled her chair and sat on it. While waiting for her laptop to turn on, she felt a sense of unease prickling on the back of her neck, like being watched on. Reflexively she looked up from her desktop and turning her head around.

As soon as her eyes met her colleague's eyes, they quickly ran their gaze away. She blinked her eyes in confusion and looked back at her laptop but she still feels the gazes and some soft whispers pertaining to her.

Li Na looked and stared at them with her cold eyes. Because of her intimidation, they quickly fumbled away. This scene is frequently faced by her nearly every day thanks to Du Xi's deeds. Those gossips and rumors she spread are impressively being taken well by her colleagues that no one seems to think that it's just an act to dirty her name. 

When Li Na heard the gossip about her, her first reaction are just to ignore it. But she didn't know how hard will is Di Xu to continue weaving lies about her non-stop, making her the worst scum ever live. 

Those rumors turn bigger and made the once peace office turn hectic and once in a day people will turn fingers toward her in detestation. Not only her department, now the other departments know her as a horrible woman. 

As suggested by Cang Fu, Li Na went to the Human Relationship Department and issued the harassment she received from Di Xu and they had dealt with her by gave her warning and deducting her salary.

However, the influence of the gossips cannot be underestimated. It's still circulating even though Di Xu had closed her loudmouth. No matter how Li Na tried to tell them the truth, it seems that people only wanting to hear the fabricated lies.

Seeing her effort was just like throwing stones in the sea, Li Na gave up and just push them away with her cold gaze to do their work. 

The troubles she faced in the company were kept hidden from Shen Yun Tian. For her, it's not really serious for him to step in. Right now there are few projects that occupied in her mind that turn those scorn and scoff into an insignificant disturbance. 

Pulling a document from the stacked files, Li Na continues to work on the latest idea issued yesterday meeting mainly in the artist's development. While focused on her work, the little murmurs still lingered around her. 

Irritated with the disturbance, she looks up and wants to scold the onlookers but her action stops because there is a difference in her colleague's eyes comparing to before, full of shock.

They looked at her and the phone repeatedly as if wanting to confirm something. "No, it's not true. It's different" Some exclaimed in disbelief and some shaking their head in disagreement. This situation is different from the harassment she received before.


My angels~~~ Please be safe out there. This escalating pandemic situation scared me (ノ′Дヾ)

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Love you \(^v^)/

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