Chapter 42

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She crossed her arm while maintaining a smiling face to show calmness but fidgeting feet below her betrayed her thought.

"Where is he?!!" The producer frowned at Li Na, let out an exasperated sigh and threw the stack of music sheet on the table. 

The loud sound impact vibrated across the recording studio made her shuddered. 

"He is currently on the way here. Don't worry, Mr. Fu" Li Na suppressed her fear and tried to reason him. 

"He is already one hour late. Is this how you manage your artist? So reckless and irresponsible" The producer is known for his hot temper and waited for an hour is already passed his limit to accommodate  Gu Shen's behavior.

"I am terribly sorry. But he will be here. Just wait a moment. Please, Mr. Fu" Li Na bowed her head down. 

After receiving the task from Yu Lin to manage Gu Shen's come back, she sought advice from her superior and succeeded in arranging a whole lot of arrangements for the project. 

Things going smoothly through the preparation of the contract and dealing with musicians and producers, promotion and also managing media relations. 

 As trust is really important between her and Gu Shen, she had tried to keep a good relationship with him by making sure to take any decision with his approval. 

This is her first time taking lead in managing an artist so she is quite excited and enjoys doing it that it can be said every day she would bragging her work progress to Shen Yun Tian before she unconsciously sleeping in his arm.

The appointment to record his song tracks already been set up this morning but as the singer, he didn't arrive yet. No matter how many times she tried to reach him, the calls only directed to his voice mail, made her felt distressed.

Li Na looked up watching producer and audio engineers stared at her full with irritation. 

Those unpleasing gazes made her felt small. Her heartfelt like being squeezed tightly by pain and humiliation but she holds her tears in by pinching the skin between her forefinger and thumb so the pain could distract her.

Although it's uncomfortable and hurtful, she has to face this situation since this is her responsibility as an artist manager.

 "It's enough. I don't want to waste my time anymore. Set the appointment later" The producer pulled his tie off to release his temper and walked away without looking back.

The other production team member started to collect their things and exit the room.

"I am so sorry" Li Na bowed and sincerely apologize to them.

After there is none inside the room, Li Na stopped her tears again by lightly slapped her cheek. "It's okay, Li Na. It's okay" She tried to positive herself back. 

Coming out from the recording studio, she immediately drove to Gu Shen's apartment. After the pain went away, she only felt incredible anger inside her heart.

For that, Li Na wants to face Gu Shen and hear his reason for not able to attend his record session. And it's better to be a good one.

Along the way there, she keeps breathing calmly to control herself. It wouldn't be good to lash out as soon as she faces him. As a manager, she learned that a good conversation with her artist is really needed so they could be on the same page.

After arriving at the apartment, she looks at her face at the rearview mirror and still she unconsciously frowning. Li Na rubbed her forehead to ease some tension. At a time like this, she felt a little bit jealous at Shen Yun Tian that able to maintain an expressionless face at any time and place.

Li Na walked at the Gu Shen's residence floor and rang his door's bell. The door already rang for a few times but he still not yet appear. She pressed the button while calling him continuously.

Maybe because of her sound pollution doing, finally, the door was opened. A face full with a sign of just waking up and a little bit of hangover appeared to greet her. 

It was messed! Cans of alcoholic drinks are turned upside down while snacks are spread all over the floor. She realizes that it's looked like he had a busy night yesterday so a storm of anger is brewing inside her heart.

"What do you want?" Gu Shen said with a voice full of irritation while rubbing his scalp. A reek smell of alcohol infiltrated made her nose scrunched reflexively.

"You just wake up? What did you do yesterday? Do you forget about the track recording this morning?" With a stiff smile, she keeps her tone down.

Letting out a lazy sigh, he said, "So? Since it's already in the past, just let it pass and handle it. And also don't bother me" He comfortably lied on the sofa and a smirk was hanged leisurely on his face as if Li Na's presence doesn't reflect anything in his eyes.

"Gu Shen!!!" Li Na's face was red in anger and then she burst. "Haven't I remind you numerous times about the schedule today. Yet you fell asleep. It's too irresponsible and childish!"

Her voice was so high and full of rage. In her mind, Li Na feels that the current she must look like a tigress but sad to say that what portrayed in Gu Shen's eyes is only a harmless loud cat.

With his little finger, he picked his ears in an uncaring manner, "Stop it! I am an artist and your loud voice damages my ears. Is this how you manage your artist? What if I can't hear anymore?" Despite that, he felt guiltless about his actions, it's shocked that he even dared to reprimand her.

Li Na wanted to scream back at him but she swallowed her words. It's no used to talk louder with this creature. What she needs is action.

"How I manage my artist? Believe that you are going to regret asking for that" This really means war. She smirked. 

Gu Shen felt a momentary chill but he just brushed it off, "Whatever, Just know that everything occurred today are your fault so do your work properly. Anyway, I need to continue to sleep now. If you pester me any longer, this could disturb my sense as an artist and I believe you wouldn't want that".

"Fine. Sweet dream, Gu Shen" ... while you can. Li Na left without looking back. 

All those good relationships plan can go to hell. She had decided what to do and her resolution is firm.

She went back to the office to take care of the aftermath of the failed appointment.


Sorry for being late.....AGAIN!!! So sorry....Owh hand.. please write faster...Owh mind..please think better >.<

You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Please enjoy~~~Love you \(^v^)/

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