Chapter 26

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Li Na looked at her resume's detail, reading it over and over again. Her face was so tight, trying to change some of the words to make it seems more interesting and able to attract her future employer's eyes.

But, she sighed. How can her little to no experience can do the impossible? She opened the recruitment website to see their employee requirement, resulting in the laptop being left aside while she irritatedly rubbing her head, messing her hair disorderly.

Li Na threw herself on the wide bed and start to turning around in annoyance of her incapability. "Hey Xie Li Na, why are you so stupid?" She kicked her feet in the air, blaming herself. 

After a long state of miserable, she gasped in exhaustion. Li Na motionless lying there on the bed while her breath unevenly to calmed herself down. When her composed come back, she suddenly remembered a solution that can help her in getting employed.

She sat straight up in excited motion. The light in her eyes flickered up in delighted emotion due to her recap memories. 

Arent before Shen Yun Tian had offered his help in helping her getting employment?  Isn't her golden finger is her husband? Although she didn't understand how big his capability is, she is certain that he must be someone with a strong influence. 

Li Na delightedly jumping and smile slyly. Since she has a perfect man that really could do everything to make her happy why she must be in a desperate state? She can just take his offer and in return, she will reward him plenty. Li Na giggled silly.

Immediately she decided to persuade her husband through his stomach so Li Na decided to cook today's launch for him. And for that, she needs Hwang Ma's help to teach her. 

Li Na looked for her hairband and tied her long hair, prepared for her plan. After that, she came down to the kitchen, looking for Hwang Ma that started to arrange the ingredients for their lunch's menu. 

"Hwang Ma, what are you going to cook for lunch?" Li Na softly asked Hwang Ma after she came into the kitchen. Her eyes wildly look at the ingredients on the table, trying to figure out their meals.

"Young Madam, today I will make braised chicken with lemon and carrots, stir fry mixed vegetables, and finely cut Wensi Tofu Soup. Is it okay?" Hwang Ma timidly asked Li Na. If she didn't agree to the menu, of course, Hwang Ma would change them immediately since she knows the one holding ultimate power in the house is Li Na.

"It's okay!" Li Na raised her thumb up. "Does all of them are Mr. Shen favorite food?" She moved her head toward Hwang Ma, further inquiry about Shen Yun Tian's personal taste.

"Yes" Hwang Ma nodded her head. Li Na held Hwang Ma's hand and eagerly closing herself to her. 

"Can I ask for a request?" She asked Hwang Ma softly. 

"Yes, Young Madam. Do I need to help you with something?" Hwang Ma stopped her hand from washing the vegetables and faced Li Na, nervously waiting for her instruction.

"It's just that I am hoping that you can teach me the dishes. I had decided that today's launch will be cooked by me". Li Na was explaining her intention clearly so Hwang Ma will teach her willingly. The shining happiness couldn't be hidden from spreading out from her face.

For Hwang Ma, Li Na's request was not too difficult and she felt her heart are so comfortable knowing that her Young Madam is trying to take good care of Young Master's heart.

"Yes, Young Madam. I will guide you" Her lip bent into a smile with Li Na's effort.

Both of them started working together in the kitchen. Since this is the first time Li Na volunteered to do dishes, Hwang Ma only asked her to wash the vegetables, but surprisingly she seems to be comfortable in cutting and slicing too when being asked. 

Although it was not at the level of master, Hwang Ma still can see that her nimble movements controlling the knife shown that she used to cook before.

From her knowledge, Li Na had never touched a knife before so how can she do it so well? "Young Madam, its look like you have cooked before, isn't it? You are quite good at handling the knife" Hwang Ma asked in an amiable tone.

 Ensure that Li Na was good enough, Hwang Ma turned back to her task in the ingredient's preparation.

Li Na's hand jolted a bit when heard her question. Fortunately, her weird behaviour didn't been noticed by Hwang Ma since currently, she is facing opposite her.

"Yeah, I had tried some dishes before when stayed with my parent before". Li Na quickly answered. She hid her pale face by looking down to her hand while cutting the vegetables.


 You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Please enjoy~~~Love you \(^v^)/

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