Chapter 27

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Li Na raised her up and looking at the towering building in front of her. From below, she could not see the peak as it is so high. 

"Is this my husband's company?" She couldn't believe her eyes. She knew that Shen Yun Tian is a successful businessman but not to this extent! To see with her own eyes how big his influence is, made Li Na stiffen.

"Yes, Young Madam. Since Young Master had taken over the company, it's kept growing that no one can deny that his capability had made this happen". Uncle Li explained to her. His eyes were full of respect and admiration toward Shen Yun Tian.

"Then, does it mean that the company wasn't like this gigantic before he took charged?" A small gasp leaked out from her mouth. She was surprised. Although she doesn't know about finance and business matter, Li Na is not too dumb to know that this achievement is quite absurd! 

"Yes. Before the company was strong and one of the prominent figures in B City, but now, its prestige spread internationally. Young Master brought the company's reputation into a glorious future. Not only household application, food supply, smartphone gadget and more, now he enters the entertainment market". Uncle Li was excited when talking about how incredible Shen Yun Tian until his eyes glittered in amazement. Each time he talked about his Young Master, his heart couldn't help but filled with a sense of proud.

The astounding facts about her husband certainly made her speechless. Yes, its made her felt small in comparison to him but why does she need to compare? This is her fortune! She must be someone that can grab her husband's heart tightly, do not ever let it go. 

She needs to be someone that can proudly tell the world that she is his wife. Currently, she is quite embarrassed to declare or even to believe that man is hers. 

The truth is a part of her heart still having a little insecurity about their current relationship. It's not about Shen Yun Tian's heart that troubling her, but it's about herself.

Li Na bites her lips in frustration.  Although she couldn't do anything for him, at least don't her be the one that dragged him down. She doesn't want that!

A flame is burning in her heart. She wants to do her best, no more useless and ignorant. Even if she becomes a decoration, let her be the most beautiful one! Li Na wants to change not only for him but also for herself.

"Young Master's room is at the highest floor of the building, do Young Madam need me to accompany you?" Uncle Li offered himself since he understands that this is the first time Li Na come into the company, so she might be nervous.

"It's okay, Uncle Li. After launch I will call you to pick me up, so you can go back". Li Na refused him since she wants to spend time alone with her husband, thus she doesn't need other him to be around. 

Uncle Li nodded after heard her replied and only left after ensured that Li Na entered the company safely.

She tightly grasped her palm and moved into the company's entrance with a butterfly in her stomach.

Li Na's eyes wildly look at the company's interior and astonished with its sophisticated design. 

Her lips slightly gaped and her feet walked sluggishly. This made she looked timid and small in the midst of stylish suited employee.

Maybe because she didn't focus on her path, her shoulder collided with an incoming lady that walking opposite her.

"Argh.." Her body fell hard on the floor due to the impact until she grimaced due to pain on her rear. 

Without looking at the woman in front of her, Li Na immediately turned her head to the lunch box beside her to make sure that it's fine. After inspected it, she released a relief sighed after confirmed that the food inside was alright.

 "My clothes!" An angry voice screamed in her ear made Li Na looked at the woman she accidentally collided.  It seemed that the lady's coffee was spilled onto her cloth during the collision.

"I am sorry" Li Na hurriedly stand up and apologize to her. She reached for the tissue inside her handbag and gave it to her except that woman pushed her hand away, disgusted.

 "How are you going to reimburse me?" The woman angrily looked at Li Na as if wanting to scratch her. 

Since Li Na's attire are casual and simple plus her young appearance, she looked like visiting her relative in the company so the woman is certain that she is not somebody important.  

"This clothes worth more than you poor people can imagine. Tell me who is your relative here. I am going to make them pay!" She continued releasing her anger toward Li Na.

Receiving those malicious words made Li Na's mood worsens and her anger kept rising. She doesn't want to make unnecessary trouble so she tried to keep her temper down.

"I am truly sorry, sister. I will be careful next time" A forced smile was shown on her face.

"Who is your sister? And there would be no next time. Tell me who is your relative here. I will make sure they are fired from this company". The woman's voice keeps increasing and causing a commotion, attracting the attention of people surrounding.

All other employees just quietly look at Li Na worriedly. They couldn't help her since that unreasonable woman, Lu Si holds a high power in the company.

Although Lu Si is one of the company's staff, behind her exist Lu Jia, one of the prominent family in B City. Not that they don't know that the real reason Lu Si entered the company is to chase their boss since without fail, each day she would try to reach the highest floor of the company to meet Shen Yun Tian with numerous excuses.

Her arrogant bearing is quite famous among employee, that they knew if anyone ticked her, they would be attacked by harsh words but no one dares to stop her, feared that they too will receive the same treatment.

"Do you really want me to call my relative?" Li Na answered with the same amiable tone but she couldn't hide the pressure released from her body. She is not someone that would be so silly volunteered herself to be mocked and humiliated.


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Please enjoy~~~Love you \(^v^)/

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