Chapter 25

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"Mr. Shen, wait for a moment" Li Na slowly walked toward her husband that was getting ready to get off to work. As she comes nearer, the difference between their height is visible. Li Na had to lift her head up to look into Shen Yun Tian's face.

Unconsciously Shen  Yun Tian immediately lowered his head toward Li Na, giving access to her so she can do things in her mind. His movement was so casual, like understanding to whatever she thought in her mind.

"You look so handsome today". Li Na flashed her bright smile as she hooked up his neck and boldly kiss his lips. Her eyelid fluttered when her lips felt that soft sensation.

As his reflex reaction, Shen Yun Tian automatically encompassed Li Na in his embrace. Covered her with his warmth and affection. 

Her aggressive movement being well received by Shen Yun Tian as he closed his eyes and responding to her love. A groaned was heard by her made Li Na felt incredible joy, understand her move can affecting him in a good direction.

The kiss that started lightly eventually become deep as she started inserted her tongue into the gap between Shen Yun Tian's mouth. Tracing the inside of his mouth while stimulating him. Driving him crazy about her. Made all he wanted is only her.

As Shen Yun Tian's body getting hot and his hold became tighter, Li Na naughtily let him go. Her face revealed a  mischevious smile. "Mr. Shen, you are going to be late. Uncle Li already waiting for you" She flashed her red face. It looks like not only he was affected, Li Na herself had become a mess.

After Li Na triggered him, Shen Yun Tian breathed hard that his chest visibly moved up and down. His red was burning in desire, suffocated with the uprising lust in his body. When Li Na left his arm, he frowned his eyebrow in displeased due to the loss of the petite figure. He was not satisfied! 

"Uncle Li can wait" His reply was short and precise. He ignored Li Na's word and moved toward her. His steps look so heavily, approaching her so he can wrap her back. So, did Li Na let herself being caught? Of course not!

She happily moving around, twisting her hip and laughed happily. "If you want more, come back home early" She teased him while giggling. 

Shen Yun Tian's body that adorned by a fully elegant suit that signaled power and mighty aren't able to scare Li Na anymore. She knew that no matter how terrifying he might look with that overbearing aura, he could never do anything to her. And of course, she is confident that he will never hurt her. He loved her! 

Their marriage life was truly in a sweet honeymoon phase. Morning would come a little bit late while the night was full of yearned and passion that seems long and endless. Every moment was filled with soft whispers and loving words.

Such days made Li Na unconsciously smiles with happiness. She is truly happy in being together with Shen Yun Tian. The longer they poured love to each other, the easier for her husband to feel at ease around her. He no longer became tensed and reserved.

Just like now, although it's supposed to be the time for the serious Shen Yun Tian to leave home for work on time, they end up playing catch and run. Enjoying their sweet moment.

Li Na knew that if Shen Yun Tian wanted to catch her, it's just a matter of time for him to be able to do that but he continued following her game, igniting her laughter whenever he kinda 'missed' his target.  It made her felt so sweet that she cannot help but having an urged in kissing him again.

She jumped into his embrace and quickly kissed his cheek. "I am waiting for you getting home, okay?" She pinched his face lightly after kissing him, making a cute face that resulted in Shen Yun Tian unable to do anything.

He caressed her face lovingly while letting out a helpless sigh, "Li Na, you made me somehow don't want to leave to work" Shen Yun Tian kissed her forehead before frustratedly letting her go. 

Giving a choice, he would choose to stay at home with Li Na but he knew that there are many things at work need his attention. And he also knows that she would not permit him to skip work too.

"Mr. Shen, do your best at work". Li Na accompanied Shen Yun Tian to the door. Seeing at how she waved her hand excitedly to him made his lips involuntary lifted up.

Li Na waited for Shen Yun Tian until he left her vision. She doesn't know why but suddenly she felt a little lonely knowing that Shen Yun Tian was not here, in the house with her.

She laid back on the sofa, trying to watch the shows on television but things couldn't make her boredom alleviated. After wasting some time, Li Na decided to take a look at what Hwang Ma.

She moved around the house to find her and finally, she saw Hwang Ma was talking with a gardener. Her face looked serious. Probably she was guiding the gardener on his job. 

Li Na did not want to disturb them so she took a step back and left. 

Strolling around the house, her mind and thought only full of Shen Yun Tian's shadow. From her rebirth till now, her life is revolving around her husband. Made him happy. Made him smile. Made him laughed.

The efforts that she poured came into fruition when she succeeded in made their distance became closer. In the process, she also felt a great bliss and joy whenever seeing his cute reaction. His towering figure now looked so cute and docile, made her let out a scream of excitement.


Sorry for the long wait!! This author is so sinful! Sorry again!

 You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Please enjoy~~~Love you \(^v^)/

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