Chapter 66

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After sending her mother and Hu Yi back, Li Na followed Shen Yun Tian back to his company. As she is the usual visitor of Shen Yun Tian's office, some of the employees had recognized her and respectfully bowed to her while she walked beside him.

The gazes on her made Li Na unconsciously frowned, feeling uncomfortable being stared at by those eyes. She felt that all of them recognized her as the one who was said in the news.

While continuing dwelling in her thoughts, she felt her palm was held so she raised her head, noticing Shen Yun Tian's wandering gaze on her, "What's wrong?"

Li Na shakes her head, "Nothing" It's just a flying thought in her mind but still, he can see that she was uncomfortable so he looked around. His cold presence coupled with his sharp eyes made the surrounding employee evade their eyes and quickly ran to their respective works.

As there are no longer sights on her, her nerves were relaxed as she walked beside Shen Yun Tian.

Entering the highest floor, Li Na approached Ri Xuo and shooed Shen Yun Tian away to his office so she could have a chat with her.

"So, how are you?" Ri Xuo starts the conversation after handing a cup of water to her.

Li Na took the cup with thanks, "It's a lie if I am telling you that I am good but as time goes on, I am going to be alright"

"Don't be sad. If you haven't noticed, currently, there is no longer any news related to you that appeared in the media as our public relations department had handled them. As the day passed by, the public will eventually forget about it".

Their departments had prepared a big tabloid gossipping news to cover up Li Na's article so things are actually under control.

"Shen Yun Tian had mentioned it too, but I know it's unnecessary but still I felt a little conscious toward other's gaze". Li Na sighed.

"Ignore it. It's just your own thinking. No one cares about that soon to disappear news". Ruo Xi tried to lift her mood, "In fact, it's been awhile since our group last hang out. We should make another girl's day appointment"

"Yeah, we should do it. But maybe after my postpartum period"

"Good" Ruo Xi nodded in satisfaction. As it's about a few weeks until Li Na's delivery date, she looked down to see her condition and cringed at that big belly sight.

"How can you walk around with that belly? Isn't it painful?"

Li Na laughed at her question, "It's not painful just the backache is killing me but walking is a good practice to help during labor". Although she is verbally telling her pain, her face radiates happiness and expectancy. It's great having a baby but Ri Xuo is not prepared to lose her important asset, her face, and her body.

"If it's good for your health then do it, but be careful each time you take a step" It's still alarming to see her around.

"Don't worry, I am going to be careful" Li Na's hand kept on softly hugging her stomach.

After having a little chat, Li Na stops impending Ri Xuo's works and move to Shen Yun Tian's office.

Hearing the sound of her entering, Shen Yun Tian's sharp eyes slowly turned softer, "I leave it to you for this matter". In front of his computer, he signaled the online overseas meeting to end and lightly tapped on the screen.

He raised his head with eyes full of tenderness, smiled lightly, and stretched his hand to help her on the long sofa.

After inserting a pillow on her back so that she can lean comfortably, he takes the prepared juice and fruits and puts it in front of her as a snack since she is constantly hungry after being pregnant.

"Eat slowly". Seeing that Li Na seems eager to grab the food and eat them, Shen Yun Tian reminds her quickly. She looked at her, swallowed, and nodded.

Shen Yun Tian's mood becomes more pleasant. He smiled lightly and stretched out his hand to hug her.

"Just go continue doing your work. I will wait here" Seeing that he doesn't move after holding her, Li Na pushed him away. If she let him be, it looks like he will hug her for the whole evening. Although it feels pleasant, she is not going to hold him back from working.

After kissing her, Shen Yun Tian let her go and move back to his chair and reached out for a large Apple display in front of him, looking down at the information.


You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile.

Love you \(^v^)/

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