Chapter 16

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"Hwang Ma, where is Mr. Shen?" Li Na asks Hwang Ma in dissatisfied tone as soon as she steps into the kitchen. 

"Good morning, Young Madam. Young Master already left for works".

"He has gone again? Isn't it too early?" Li Na looks down and grip her palm. She feels infuriated. 

It's not like she wants to complain but when woke up in the morning and like any other morning, to see the side of her bed was empty make her feel depressed.

 Li Na would slide her hand to the vacant sheet and she feels no warmth. It's indicated that Shen Yun Tian had been awake for some time. And that makes her swing her hand onto bed repeatedly with frustration.

Since they already declared their relationship, she actually hoping for the more flirty morning like kissing, hugging and cuddling. Or at least let the first thing she sees when woken up is him. But it's not happening! 

Shen Yun Tian would arise before her and leave for works. Like today, she actually tried to wake up early but her biological alarm is not functioning as she wants. She still end up alone.

Furthermore, the extent of their relationship is still on the kissing stage and some touching. That makes her feel dissatisfied. 

She wants to eat him but when she tries to force it, Shen Yun Tian would kiss her forehead and hugs her tightly in his warm embrace. 

Does she surrender? Of course not! Her hand would be roaming around his mouth-watering body. Teasing him. Trigger his lust. Maker his calm demeanor disappear.

But even if she succeeded in seducing him, Shen Yun Tian would only forcibly kiss her deep. Makes her breathless. Continue to indulge at that moment relentlessly. Until she becomes exhausted.

And the next moment she knows is her vision darkened. He kissed her until she falls asleep. 

What happened to give her love? What happened to give her lots and lots of babies? Why he doesn't make a move on her? At this rate, it's not lots, even one baby is not going to be generated.

With his current behavior, sometimes, Li Na feels like Shen Yun Tian actually avoiding her. But why? 

Hwang Ma noticed that Li Na is about to be in a rage so she quickly explains, "Y-Young Master get an emergency call from the company. That's why he left immediately". She looks anxious in searching for excuses for Shen Yun Tian.

Li Na knows about Hwang Ma concerns so she tries to calm down and contains her emotion deep within. Hasn't she already decided to be better in this life? Thus, she shouldn't be selfish and think from Shen Yun Tian's perspective. 

Maybe it's true that he has work's problem that needs his immediate attention. Everyday. 

With that forced smile, she looks at Hwang Ma. "I understand Hwang Ma. It is okay. You can continue your works". 


You can read the full chapter at inkiit by clicking the link at About Me section on My Profile. Sorry again T.T

Love you \(^v^)/

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