Chapter 37

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Li Na scanned the papers in her hand. Her eyes widen as she read the words printed on the paper. 

Just after they arrived, Bai Li, the boss of Star Entertainment pulled out an agreement of Li Na's employment and hand it over to both Shen Yun Tian and Li Na.

In conclusion, the contract can be said that the benefits are all leaned toward Li Na as stated that she was given the freedom to do anything she wants as long it's not damaging the company. 

This is obviously not a treatment for an ordinary employee since Li Na is totally not a 'common' employee. She had used the biggest cable to get into the position so this is expected to receive.

Bai Li anticipatedly looked at Shen Yun Tian and Li Na in excitement. He can't hide his eagerness. As a businessman, there would never be any transaction that makes him lose and he understands that once Li Na entered the company, Star Entertainment would be flourished!

Although Star Entertainment is one of Shen Group sub-company, the truth is, there are several other entertainment sub-company that currently under development too. So being receiving big boss's attention would bring his company to be the one raising first. 

So by any reason, he must persuade Shen Yun Tian! So as shameless he can get, the contract he had written was shaped to suit any employee's need. 

As he can see, the one that he needs to convince is not Shen Yun Tian because, from the moment they entered his office, his eyes only follow his wife. Bai Li understands that Li Na had the most say in this agreement. 

So over time, medical insurance, vacation, and salary, just say it! All was molded only for Li Na's interest. 

"Mrs. Li Na, if this contract is not suitable for you, I will change it in any way you want" Knowing that Shen Yun Tian's decision lied on her, Bai Li continues his bootlicking with his amiable look and smooth voice. 

After gone through the papers, Li Na nodded. "Mr. Bai Li, there is nothing wrong with this agreement" She looked up to see Bai Li and smiled, "I am happy to be your employee".

They signed the documents with ease. "Mr. Bai Li, please take care of my wife" Shen Yun Tian's face was still emotionless but Bai Li can sense a threatening mean in his voice so he immediately nodded, "Yes, Mr. Shen"    

Seeing how his face became pale with Shen Yun Tian's warning, Li Na helplessly sighed with his protectiveness. While in her heart is gloating, who doesn't love being protected, right?

"By the way, please call me Li Na and treat me like an ordinary employee, Boss" She divert Bai Li's attention toward her so he didn't feel pressured with Shen Yun Tian's intimidation.

"Y-Yes, Li Na. Then, see you tomorrow. Please be happy while working here" Bai Li politely send them away. After they left, the pressure in his heart finally fading away. Fuhh, it's really hard to be calm under his boss's gaze. 

"Thanks, Teddy" Li Na rushed into Shen Yun Tian's arm after they arrived in their house. Finally, she has a job. 

"Are you happy?" He rubbed her head. His mouth raise in content.

Li Na nodded and tightened her hold, "Yeah. I am happy. I love you, Teddy"

"So, how you gonna repay me?" She looked up at Shen Yun Tian and climbed his body. Since they had become intimately close, Li Na notices that there are many mischievous sides of him. 

Looking at how he anticipating his rewards with that roguish face causing a tingling sensation appeared in her heart.

While hooking her arm around his neck, Li Na pecking his lips. "Okay?" 

Shen Yun Tian wrapped his arm around her waist, "Not enough"

She kissed him again. This time before she let go of his lips, Shen Yun Tian deepened the kiss and doesn't let her go until he received 'enough'. Once again the night felt long for her.  


Sorry for late update. Please enjoy reading~~

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Love you \(^v^)/

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