Natasha, Y/ns been compromised.

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Set during the first Avengers.

Used some of the dialogue from the first movie as well.

F/c = favorite color.

Requests are open! Just pm me :)



My fiery red hair was semi poofy due to the humidity circulating through the air. Small, red strands stuck to my forehead that was covered in a thin layer of sweat. My arms were restricted with thick, itchy rope behind a dark spruce chair.

The still in construction building was a great place for... encounters like this. It was quiet, no body was around, and the abandoned railroad next to it was like the cherry on top of the cake for thugs and their boss.

There were at least three tall, beefy Russian thugs in this room with me, their boss making it four.

A harsh slap hit my right cheek and my face whipped to the side. I clenched my jaw and turned my head back to glare at the goon.

"I'd like to know why they sent you to carry out a carrier, a stained glass and other random items." The slightly older man said, inching closer to my face.

One of the goons from behind me tipped my chair back causing me to glance over my shoulder to see the very bottom of the building. Now I was slightly worried.

"I thought General Soholob was in charge of the export business." I replied honestly, looking into the cold eyes of the Russian man.

"Soholob?" He tossed his head back and laughed, "Your reputation is quite a progression. The famous Black Widow. Nothing but a pretty face." He snickered.

"You really think I'm pretty?" I smirked at him.

The Russian started walking towards me after grabbing a pair of pliers from a small metal table next to him. Another overly beefy thug walks next to me and forcefully opens my mouth open.

"We don't need the Lermontov to transfer the tanks. Tell him, we'll..."

"You may have to write it down."

I watched as the pliers got closer to my mouth before the distinct ring of a cellphone interrupted the moment. I mentally sighed in relief as the man backed up, scrunching his eyebrows in confusion when one of his goons answered.

"It's for you." They Said, handing him the flip phone.

"Who the hell is..."

I couldn't hear who was on the other end or what they were saying, all I know is that what ever it was, made his face become pale.

The older Russian gulped before placing the phone next to my ear. I moved my head down so that the phone was stuck between my ear and my shoulder.

"Hello?" I asked.

"We need you to come in." Agent Coulson spoke calmly.

"Are you kidding? I'm working!" I scoffed.

"This takes precedence." Coulson replied smoothly.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything." I looked at him.

Focusing my attention back to the messy floor with construction tools lying around, I sighed, "Look, you can't pull me out of this right now

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Focusing my attention back to the messy floor with construction tools lying around, I sighed, "Look, you can't pull me out of this right now." 

"Natasha." Coulson said before taking a deep breath and letting out a shaky sigh, "Y/ns been compromised."

My heart started beating rapidly at what the agent had just told me about my girlfriend. Was she okay? Did something happen? Was she alive?

"I'm not compromised!" I heard her yell in the background, "My arm is just severely broken! Along with some ribs! I am FINE!"

I bit my lip to help stifle a laugh. I could practically see her rolling her eyes and trying to cross her arms over her chest before she'd jut her bottom lip out in a pout.

"See, she's compromised." Coulson said.

"Oh give me the damn phone!" She growled.

There was some muffling on the end before I heard her voice through the speaker.

"Hey baby." Y/n said.

"Hey." I couldn't help but giggle that time, "You okay?"

"Mhmm yeah, for the most part. Coulson is trying to get me to go to the medic bay but I don't want to miss all the action."

"Your arm is broken, you need to get it taken care of." I sighed.

"I'll do that later, so no need to rush over here despite what Coulson tells you."

"SHES COMPROMISED!" Coulson yelled in the background.

"GO CHOKE!" My girlfriend screamed back. "I'm not compromised." She mumbled.

"Go to the medical bay and I'll be there as soon as I'm done here." I said, looking up at the Russian gang leader.

"But Nat!" She whined.

"If you go I'm sure they'll let you pick out a cast color." I tried to coax her into going to the medical bay.

"Really!? Fuck yes! Im gonna get (f/c)."

I heard some more rumbling on the other side of the phone before Coulson came back on.

"Give me 5 minutes."

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