FRIDAY, don't do that!

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You have elemental powers where you can control water, fire etc.

E/c = eye color



Barton and I were assigned a mission by Steve. It was an easy mission where we had to infiltrate a Hydra base, clear it out and get all the information we could before we left.

"Ready kid?" Barton called out to me as I walked out of the compound and towards the quinjet.

"I'm coming bird boy!" I called back, hearing him audibly snicker the closer I got.

"Don't worry, you'll see Nat when you get back." He patted my back and smirked at me. "She'd be mad if I let something happen to you."

It was true, even though all three of you knew you could take care of yourself. Your girlfriend Natasha still worried about you as you did her. Something could happen in a split second that could change everything, but risks came with the job I suppose.

Both of us got seated in the quinjet as Barton started it up and soon we were in the air.


Barton set the jet down somewhere hidden and away from the Hydra base so you wouldn't draw any unnecessary attention to yourselves.

"Ready?" Clint asked quietly.

"Let's go." You nodded.

We both went in different ways. Clint went in through the vents and I went in through one of the windows, opening it slowly. Climbing in the window you dropped onto the floor as quietly as you could.

Instantly my eyes landed on two Hydra agents guarding one of the doors. I got on the com to tell Clint.

"Got two by the door."

"I see them. I'll take the left and you take the right."


An arrow whizzed through the air and into the left guys skull as I  leaped and tackled the other guy, breaking his neck. Clint came down from the vents and landed next to me.

"The computers should be through this door right here and then we're home free." The agent smiled at me.

"I'm going to go around the rest of the building and see if there's any patrols." I replied, feeling my powers course through my veins, the tips of my fingers tingling.

Hawkeye nodded his head before I began running towards a dark corridor. I hid behind a wall when I heard two agents talking and laughing with one another.

Using my powers I broke open the water dispenser, making the liquid spill out all over the floor.

"What the..?" One of the gasped as the water began soaking into their shoes.

I made the water swirl around them before shoving it down their throats and nose, their muffled gags echoing softly off the basic concrete walls before they both drowned. Their bodies fell to the ground with thud, water surrounding them in a giant puddle.

Sneaking around the rest of the compound, I stopped right in front of one of the doors just as the alarm went off. The flashing red light kept flashing across my face as my com buzzed in my ear.

"Ummm so I may have done something..." Clint said sheepishly.

"For fucks sake Barton." I rolled my eyes as four Hydra agents came running out of the room with weapons at the ready.

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