Fake Love.

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Requested by: @BobJames282

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"We got a mission." Nat poked her head into my room, showing me the Manila folder in her hand.

"Come in, let me see." I patted the spot next to me on my bed. Nay smiled before walking in, sitting down next to me and opening the folder.

"Says we have to explore a Hydra base located in the... city?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why make it in a populated area?"

"Inconspicuous. Nobody would suspect Hydra to do that. Plus this building looks like any other hotel in New York." The ginger replied, scanning over the files.

"What kind of part do we have to play?" I rubbed my hands together in excitement.

"Says here we have to play a... married couple!?" I cut her off as I shrieked the last part.

Natasha lowered the file from her face, smirking at me, "Well hello wife."

I rolled my eyes playfully and shoved her shoulder lightly.

"What's our story?" I asked clearing my throat.

"Freshly married couple taking a vacation to the city in their first stop to see the world. Says here that our target is to find it information on where Hydra is keeping their main base in hopes the tesseract will be there."

"They'd probably keep stuff like that in the office, or in one of the log books." I replied.

"We'll figure it all out tomorrow. Goodnight, wife." Nat pecked my cheek before standing up from the bed and leaving my room.


Natashas and arrived at Hydras hotel, me grabbing her suitcase from her hand. Obviously we had disguises on and by those, I'm talking about sunglasses with a beanie on and Nat having her hood up. Yeah we were totally incognito.

"Thanks baby." Nat smiled at me and interlocking our fingers together, giving the car keys to the employee out front.

Nat held the door open for me and I thanked her before you walked inside. The interior was fancy and well decorated. They certainly had a high budget for this. When you walked in the receptionist was in the front, behind her there was a large fountain with a restaurant in the back, a nice golden decorated seating area, with an all glass elevator off to the side.

"How may I help you both today?" Her peppy and happy go attitude made me snicker under my breath.

"My wife and I have a reservation. It's under Potts." I told her with a smile.

"You must be Natalia and Y/n/n."

"That would be us. Where's the bathroom?" Natasha asked nicely.

"It's behind me and to the right. Here's your room card and enjoy your stay."

I grabbed the two white room key cards and gave Natasha one, telling her I'd meet her in our room in a few moments.


"I set up a small recorder in the bathroom. If any hydra agents talk, we'll know." My partner said as she collapsed on the hotel bed.

"Good. Now, what do you say about going to that restaurant and getting some food? I'm starving." I poked her cheek, jumping to my feet.

"You're always hungry." Natasha giggled before getting off the bed.


"I've gotten used to this ring on my finger." Natasha broke the silence enveloping us as we sat inside a black impala. I put the binoculars up to my eyes and watched one of the elite Hydra agents exchange brief cases with another.

I turned to look at her, "Yeah, me too."

"You picked a good one." Nat teased, hitting my shoulder. She's been more touchy lately, not that I don't mind. I love seeing Natasha break out of her shell.

I chuckled, agreeing with her. "Before this... did you ever think of getting married one day?"

She shook her head no immediately, "No. Growing up, I was taught love was for children and would only make you weak. Then I joined the Avengers and realized his crazy my work style is. Nobody would be able to handle my schedule and I never know if this mission will be my last."

I nodded my head, letting her words sink in.

"What about you? You ever want to get married?" Her tone became a little more happy now that the focus wasn't on her.

"Yeah, I would like too. Someday. I just got to find the right girl."

I put the binoculars up to my face again and saw the targets moving inside the building.

"We got to move."


"Congrats agents, mission was a success and the tesseract is safely in SHIELDS hands." Fury congratulated us on the successful mission.

"I guess this means I have to take this ring off now, huh?" Nat fiddled with the band.

"Well, that restaurant down the street is giving away free desserts to married couples. Want to go and celebrate?" I nudged her shoulder.

"That sounds amazing. As long as the waitress doesn't flirt with you."

"Is someone jealous?" I teased.

"Yeah!" She blurted. I was shocked at the confession. "I-I like you, and I'm not fully understanding my feelings but I know my stomach gets all weird when I'm with you."

"Like want to throw up weird or...?"

Nat playfully rolled her eyes, "Like you give me butterflies."

"You give me butterflies too." I told her softly, smiling at her.

"Well it's a good thing we're married. Now let's go get some dessert."

Her hand grabbed mine and intertwined our fingers together, both of us walking down the street feeling happier than ever.

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