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Aniya was sat in Sully's diner alone in one of the booths as she was aggressively drawing

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Aniya was sat in Sully's diner alone in one of the booths as she was aggressively drawing. She didn't understand it at all. Such as why she drew and her hand feeling like it was in complete control. She does know when it started and it was the day she and Jacob had stopped being friends.

It was the day that Aniya put all of her emotions instead of it physically. When she was angry, sad and happy she had the strong need to just draw.

However, all her drawings would end up the same, and it was all from her dreams.

Wolves-and not just normal ones, but bigger ones that shouldn't even be possible. Yet, she felt as if the dreams, were real, and not just a figment of her imagination.

When Juliet had invited her over with strangely, Seth and Maya. She had heard the Legends, and when she listened to it, it felt like she was a part of it. Then when she looked at Seth and Maya as they heard the tales, where she knew-it was real, because the way they reacted, it was not surprising at all and that she knew as much.

Another confirmation she had, was that since hearing the Legends, she now saw it through her dreams, but it ended the same all the time. She would see wolves fighting before her, with beings she knew were not normal humans, because of their speed and ruby eyes.

Then it would end with her holding a knife and stabbing it through her chest, as her blood spilt as the ruby-eyed beings would all turn to her, as the wolves did their deed and ripped them apart. Regardless of the pain, she felt happy, she felt accomplished for saving those wolves.

As she fell into darkness, she would smile happily to the reddish-brown wolf, that seemed bigger than the others. She felt like that wolf was the most important one out of all of them, and she was glad that he was okay, even if she had to sacrifice herself.

The first time Aniya had that dream, she woke up screaming in terror, but then the nights that followed after, she never woke up yelling. Instead, she woke up with a strange sense of pride and would grab a pencil and just draw.

"Those are beautiful" A sweet voice had brought her out of her thoughts, as she refocused her vision on her surroundings. The pencil slowly dropped on the table as she looked up to see a woman that had three scars on her beautiful face. Something about the woman had made Aniya feel warm, just like how Maya and Juliet oddly did. It was one of the other things that she had noticed about her friends.

Though, the woman before her, she knew the face, because she drew it a few months back. Aniya had never met this woman her entire life, yet her drawing-it was perfectly on point. She brushed aside her disbelief that besides Maya, Julie, there was the other nameless females she drew might actually all be very real, and the woman before her proves it.

"Thank you," Aniya said and then noticed how crowded the diner was," Hey, would you like to sit with me? If your eating in that is", she smiled and Emily grinned

"Thank you, I'm Emily Young" She looked at the older female and smiled

"Aniya Majorie"

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