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Aniya was in the kitchen with Seth and Emily as they cooked for the rest

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Aniya was in the kitchen with Seth and Emily as they cooked for the rest. Emily had tried to push them away, but both of them were very stubborn and set on helping so she gave in. Seth was chopping vegetables as he turned to Aniya who was frying them," Hey Aniya did you hear about Juliet's parents?"

Aniya hummed nodding her head," Yeah, I kind of knew they'd leave, John and Cordelia can't stay in a place for too long, but I'm really surprised they let her stay"

Seth looked at her and tilted his head," Really? Why?"

Aniya chuckled and looked to him," Juliet and her parents are really close. You see back when we were little, they always asked me to watch over her whenever hung out. I gladly took the offer because she was just too sweet and oblivious about some things. Juliet is smart, but she can tend to be dense sometimes."

Embry covered his mouth from laughing loudly, he like the rest of the boys not in the kitchen was all listening to their conversation. Which got them glares from Emily and Leah here and there until both of them finally gave up knowing nothing was going to stop them from eavesdropping.

Seth chuckled and then went back to chopping and handing the vegetables to her," She's going to stay with Billy, right?"

He asked as she nodded," Yep, Billy is so sweet for offering"

"Billy Black? You kno-Oh, I forgot you knew him" Seth trailed off almost digging his grave, knowing about how Aniya used to be best friends with Jacob. Some of the guys felt tense silently praying for Seth knowing he nearly slipped.

"It's fine Seth" Aniya stopped frying for a moment turning to him," Just because he and I aren't friends anymore, doesn't mean I want anyone to cut ties with him. What happened is between us, and should never get between anyone we share friends with"

Emily smiled to her words, as she was prepping the plates, she was so happy to know that Aniya was not how the boys have said she was. She may seem intimidating and mean, but it was only a front. The one here right now is who she is and she seems to be proving that to the boys minus Seth and Embry.

It was like Aniya had heard Emily's thoughts as she spoke her next words," I know at school I appear rude and unfriendly, but honestly, I just have a resting bitch-face" Aniya turned to Seth pointing to her face," Don't you see it?" Seth laughed getting some of the others to laugh along but them silent and not loud like Seth not wanting to give themselves away for listening in.

"That and my biggest pet peeve of people who say my name wrong, I mean it's A-nee-ya, not An-ya. The I is not silent; I mean come on now" Emily giggled to her friends rant having heard it back when they were just starting to know each other.

"Oh, by the way, Em?" Aniya turned to Emily

"Yeah?" She responded through her hums.

" I've brought my sketchbooks that you and Sam wanted to see, I can show it after dinner"

Emily turned and grinned," Really?"

She nodded and turned back to cooking," I can't believe you convinced me to even bring them, let alone show everyone"

Emily smiled as she pats her back," I have a way with words"

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