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Normally Jacob would have retorted back, but he actually for once knew when to keep his mouth shut

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Normally Jacob would have retorted back, but he actually for once knew when to keep his mouth shut. He looked down to the table to the few drawings Aniya didn't grab. His eyes locked on the one with him and her.

She was not his imprint, but something in his soul had felt the pull towards her. It was not his wolf; it was his soul. He didn't realize how much time passed as he kept his eyes on the drawing as the others arrived with the girls.

Serena looked at her brother marching over and smacked the back of his head as hard as she could scowling," Why does it always seem to be your fault?" She sneered making him wince as he rubbed his head looking at her

"Guessing you heard?"

Maya groaned as she sat on Seth's lap," Yeah, and we all felt it as well, I mean seriously, Aniya doesn't deserve any of this Jacob"

Juliet had her arms folded as she glared at him as Embry had his arm over her shoulder," I have a colourful vocabulary on the tip of my tongue, but I'll let your sisters do the favour and give it to you until your ears bleed"

"Don't worry Jules, we got it handled and we'll call Rebecca to add more fire" Rachel added as she sent a glare to her younger brother," Even if it takes all night" She said venomously making him gulp.

"I don't know much of what is going on and I haven't met Aniya yet, but even I feel angry at you Jacob" Zahra said softly as Quil pulled her in his arms as he leaned on the counter

"You even got Zahra angry" He remarked," and she is hardly ever angry" He grinned at her as she lightly hit his chest.

"So" Leah spoke up feeling uncomfortable with how all the imprints were there since she was left without one. She wasn't even sure if she could imprint since for starters females weren't even supposed to shift in the first place," Can you explain Aniya's part in all of this?" She was just like the females ready to take an opportunity to get at Jacob, but decided to push it aside for now.

All of them turned to Sam, as he stood up from the table ready to explain," As the Alpha of the pack, we are given a special meeting on being shown a photo of the third wife, who is named Ahu Mala. The reason we never heard her name, was because we couldn't say it until recently. Old Quil, Billy and Harry, told me that there will be a female who'll enter the tribe, and become the one to make our bond together stronger"

"Are you saying Aniya is her?" Jacob asked

Sam nodded," Every single one of you feels a strange pull from her right?"

"Yeah" They all answered including the females responded

"Aniya is the next residing soul that continues the position that Ahu Mala did. It probably explains all the drawings, but we'll have to call a meeting with the elders to confirm it"

"So, we all feel a maternal pull?" Embry confirmed the others as they nodded except for Jacob who furrowed his brows

"Maternal?" He questioned as they looked at him," I feel something completely opposite from that"

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