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"You've made a decision" Ahu Mala smiled making Aniya peer up at her," You found the right door" She stepped aside as all the doors except for one disappeared

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"You've made a decision" Ahu Mala smiled making Aniya peer up at her," You found the right door" She stepped aside as all the doors except for one disappeared.

She let out a breath of relief along with a small chuckle. She walked over to it but froze in place," Wait"

Ahu Mala who was about to walk the other way turned to Aniya," Yes?"

"About my dreams all of it, and about-"

"The ending of it?" Ahu Mala finished making Aniya nod her head," You've already made your decision Aniya, you changed the outcome, but it would still end with someone getting hurt."

"No" She shook her head and the older woman closed her eyes for a moment and nodded," It was the decision Jacob Black made"

"He isn't..." Aniya would dare herself to finish the sentence and the older woman opened her eyes," There was no death Aniya if that worries you"

She let out another breath and was about to smile, but noticed the way Ahu Mala looked made her push it away," But he got hurt"

"Yes, and so did someone else, but that accident is not something that could have been avoided. So, the moment you wake up, I need you to understand that you not choosing to die, is not your fault for their injuries"

"But If I died-"

"If you died, Jacob would have followed," Ahu Mala cut her off," When your soulmate dies, your heart will not heal, it's the price that our ancestors pay, but it's also a blessing for you to find the one you truly belong with. Just like young Leah, she'll find the person who makes her happy, just like how you thought in that dream"

"But I never saw her soulmate" Aniya looked down in defeat

"The reason you never saw her soulmate is because she deserves to find them on her own. It sounds a little cruel, but I think over everything, she deserves to go on the journey without someone predicting it for her. She's been through a heartbreak that should heal on her own, and not something that forces her to forget the pain. She can never truly move on or love, without the pain. The pain that helps her grow."

"Thank you, Ahu Mala," Aniya bowed her head, as the woman chuckled," No thank you, for finally making my name known, and now that it is, I can finally rest in peace with my love"

"You deserve it, especially after everything" Aniya smiled genuinely

"Thank you, Aniya Majorie, it has been a pleasure of knowing you, and about those dreams-Now that you know what you want, I think it's best if you close that window forever. You have the will, and always did, so go on with your life and control your dreams from now on"

Aniya bobbed her head as Ahu Mala bowed and turned to walk away. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath turning to the door, and walked through it.

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