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"Hold up" Jared raised his hand," You're saying 5-year-old Aniya had written a message through the backgrounds?"

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"Hold up" Jared raised his hand," You're saying 5-year-old Aniya had written a message through the backgrounds?"

"Exactly" Juliet nodded as she held the papers still displaying it," It's not just that all of Aniya's drawings, that she had shown Maya and me, they all were drawn with detailed backgrounds. I never thought to notice it until looking at these here.

"S-T-I-L-L" Maya squinted spelling it out as she saw the letters," Still?" She asked in the question

"It's not the whole thing, it's only part of it, if we have the rest of her drawing's it'll spell out the more-" Juliet explained as she lowered her hands," If you look at the end here, you see the trees are forming another letter, maybe an A? I'm not sure"

"It can be a simple coincidence," Paul said but he was not even sure himself making him frown frustrated.

"It's not just a coincidence, I'm sure of it because Aniya always said that when she draws, it's her hand in control. She doesn't know what she is about to draw every single time" Emily revealed as she walked in making everyone turn to her," She told me that when I first met her at Sully's Diner"

"I knew there was a deeper meaning to them" Juliet mumbled under breath," I'll be back I need to make a call"

Once she walked out of the house, she started digging into her pocket dialling for Aniya, but the line went straight to voicemail," Crap" She cursed and then dialled her home number.

After a couple of rings, someone answered," Hello?"

"Hey, Nicholas? This is Juliet, is Aniya there?"

"No sweetheart, she didn't come home yet, Anthea and I been trying to call her, but her phone seems to be off or dead. In fact, we were just about to call you" Nick stated," She just left this morning without even telling us where she went and just said she was going out. Anthea tried to stop her, but it was like she wasn't even listening at all"

"What?" Juliet's voice cracked

"Yeah, and we went into her room just not too long ago, and saw a paper on her bed that said 'I am' and on the back it just had the number one"

"Hey, Nick, Aniya is probably at Emily's" Juliet lied making her cringe having to lie to him.

She soon hung up looking at the sun that was setting making her quickly run into the house," Aniya hasn't returned home, and her brother in law said that when she left the house earlier, she seemed off. It was like she wasn't listening at all"

Jacob stood up from the chair," Wait-like you're saying she was in a trance? But when she was here, she seemed normal" She tightened her lips and nodded.

"She left a note that just said 'I am' it's probably part of the message that she had in the drawings"

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