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Telling her story about Juliet led to telling other personal things she had never told just to anyone, and all had been Juliet exclusive

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Telling her story about Juliet led to telling other personal things she had never told just to anyone, and all had been Juliet exclusive. Then she got to know some of the others as well, which led to her confidence in showing her drawings.

She wasn't sure why Emily thought it would be interesting, showing a bunch of sketches from her dreams that all contained wolves. She had come to think that the boys probably like them and didn't think much into it.

So, there she was sitting on the now cleared table that was littered with a bunch of her sketchbooks. She had been sat silently watching everyone look through her sketches. She noticed how they all had serious faces and she often peeked at Emily who was sending her encouraging smiles.

"You said it came from dreams?" Sam asked looking up to her

"Yeah all of them" He looked back down to the book going through the rest of the pages. She turned to the others and then froze turning pale when she saw Seth with the book, she thought she left home.

"Wait! no, Seth! Not that-" She was too late when he opened it making her deflate in defeat.

"Hey, this is Maya! It's amazing" Seth said and then switched to the next page and froze. She looked at him discreetly and noticed how he went silent and his face was unreadable.

Quil who was next to him noticed and peeked over and his eyes widened as he snatched the book out of his hand," What the-?" His words caught the attention of the others, making them all turn to him.

"What's wrong Quil?" Embry asked as Quil flipped to the next pages

"These are-Zahra, Rachel, and Serena?" He mumbled and each time he mentioned the imprint of a certain male they all looked at the portraits she drew.

That had them all look to Aniya," Do you know them?" Embry asked carefully. Aniya's breathing went unstable as she felt the burning looks from them all. She shook her head and clasped her hands under the table.

"No-I didn't know if they were actual people" Aniya revealed," I-I told you they are all from dreams, and-it was the same with Emily and Maya. All of them, including Juliet who I haven't seen for years until recently"

"You saw them along with the wolves?" Sam asked carefully

"Yes, each of those I drew was usually with a certain wolf-" She trailed off as she felt her hands shaking," It's all simple from there, but then-" She gulped feeling her a chill down her spine," The dreams would take a turn..."

Emily reached over to her and grabbed her hands," You don't have to say anymore" Aniya looked at her gratefully and nodded whispering a thank you. Leah had been silent as she was stuck on a page that had her wolf not that Aniya was aware of. She personally hated phasing but seeing how Aniya had sketched her shifted form, gave her a small feeling of warmth that she was fighting a smile.

"I'm sorry, things got so-Uh-weird" Aniya coughed awkwardly

Leah then spoke," I think it's nice" She looked up and smiled," All of them, although I see that one of them seems to be the highlight of them all" She said pointing to Jacob's wolf making her chuckle

"Yeah, that one is weirdly always standing next to me, almost like it's the wolf's place" Aniya had sounded fond of the wolf making them all share looks discreetly.

All of them went silent at her words, all of them silently thinking the same thing.

'Only if you knew, who that wolf was'

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