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"Wait, Aniya!!" Maya and Juliet both shouted as they ran after her as she picked up her pace walking through the school parking lot

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"Wait, Aniya!!" Maya and Juliet both shouted as they ran after her as she picked up her pace walking through the school parking lot.

She groaned and turned to them glaring," I honestly thought you two would tell me that it's nothing to worry about! You both really think I'm insane," She shouted not caring if she was drawing attention from people around her

"Aniya it's not that, please" Juliet's voice was weak and it hurt Aniya hearing the tone, but her anger was getting the best of her

"No! Fuck, I feel like showing my sketches was a mistake" She laughed bitterly," I mean, a girl who draws things she sees in her dreams? Then she suddenly draws people she's never met?!"

Maya took a step forward," No"

Aniya sneered at the smaller girl," I don't need this right now" She licked her lips as she felt the anger build up," I honestly thought that you both would tell me-whatever it is, that is going on. Or at least just something"

"What?" Juliet said through a breath

Aniya let another bitter laugh," You think I didn't notice? The way you both share looks when you think I'm not looking. The way Maya nearly slipped whatever that was in there" She hated the admittance not ever wanting to actually openly confess what she was thinking for a while now.

"I know you both are not telling me more than you should, and I-I can't be angry at you for not telling me, because it's probably not your secret to tell, but-at the damn same time, it sucks being the one left out of it all"

"Those dreams, and that Legend your parents told us" She lowered her voice on the last part," Then your parents moving and leaving you behind. Juliet. I know more than anyone that your parents wouldn't just leave without you unless there is a perfectly good reason why you had to stay"

"Everything adds up but then there is just this huge wall keeping me out from the final thing that probably answers all of these things I'm left without knowing"

"Aniya-Please understand that there is more than you think," Maya said carefully

"I know" She turned to Maya in a soft voice," I know there is, but I know neither of you is going to tell me"

Both of the girls looked down making her scoff," I know that some secrets are better left not said, but I would expect you both to at least...I would have taken 'Everything will be okay' just that alone would have been enough for me-but to go as far as to look at me like I'm a crazy person-that's where I can't handle it"

"Aniya, please-We're sorry" Juliet's voice cracked as she grabbed her hand

"I know" She looked at her softly," But right now, I need to think, just by myself. I don't hate either of you, heck I don't think it's even remotely possible for me to hate you guys. So, please understand where I'm coming from. " She settled as she let go of Juliet's hand and walked away fighting the urge to turn back.

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