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Aniya's eyes opened and instantly she shot up from the bed, nearly scaring the life out of her brother who was just sitting on the side of her bed

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Aniya's eyes opened and instantly she shot up from the bed, nearly scaring the life out of her brother who was just sitting on the side of her bed.

"Holy-" Aaron had held his hand to his chest trying to catch his breath before he could speak anything else, Aniya had already been trying to get out of the bed.

"Woah there, kiddo!" He stopped her hand from ripping out her IV," Calm down"

Aniya had halted taking in her surroundings, and furrowed her brows," Why am I at the hospital?"

"Because you been asleep for a few days, it gave everyone a scare" A soft-spoken voice filled her ears making her turn to the new person that entered the room.

"Oh," She blurted out making her brother chuckle," Oh indeed, I'm going to make a call to let Nick and Anthea know your awake" She nodded as she watched her brother step out.

She waited until the door closed, before speaking to the doctor having seen his nametag," Dr Cullen"

He followed her eyes looking down to his nametag and turning back up to her," You can just call me Carlisle, Aniya"

"How bad is Jacob hurt? And who was the other person that got injured?" She questioned lowly and he looked at her shocked at her sudden questions. Aniya had read his facial expression and chuckled," It's kind of a long story"

Carlisle then went to explain the events of how Jacob got hurt, and how he was currently at home resting and healing. The next news had made Aniya have to close her eyes, just thinking of how much Billy was going through.

"Serena had a severe head injury; she and Ms Young had been attacked on their way to Billy's home after hearing about Jacob's injury. Serena had bought time for Emily to escape-the boys had arrived at the scene, but Serena had been injured the moment they came to save her"

Aniya raised her hand to her mouth as she slowed her breathing from having a panic attack," Is she admitted in this hospital?" He nodded," You can visit her after I examine your well-being, but since you only been asleep for two days, I can say that you'll be fine"

She nearly blurted out saying how she was fine, but the other two weren't. Though she kept that to herself, remembering Ahu Mala's words.

"So, the moment you wake up, I need you to understand that you not choosing to die, is not your fault for their injuries"

Despite those words, it was nearly impossible to not think it was her fault.

After a few hours of her check-up, she had asked her family and Carlisle not to let anyone know she was awake yet since she wanted to not avert the attention of Serena and Jacob to her. She was fine, but they weren't, so she didn't need everyone to worry more than they already were.

She had been discharged and left the hospital the same day, but her siblings were not going to make it easy for her as they pretty much put her on house arrest.

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