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Aniya had never thought she end up of all places as she slowly got out of the car after Emily

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Aniya had never thought she end up of all places as she slowly got out of the car after Emily. She had heard a lot of rumours about the 'cottage in the woods of Sam Uley'. The kids in school acted like the place was dark and dreary, but the moment she laid eyes on it, it just screamed comfort and home.

The only thing running in Aniya's mind was, how exactly was she going to act meeting Emily's fiancé. She had silently already panicked hearing who she was engaged to and now she was losing her mind on the fact she was meeting him.

Aniya always felt out of place in the Rez, since she knew how everyone was basically family, meanwhile her family was just outsiders. At least that was what it seemed like; her sister had said they moved to 'make it big' but she always felt like there was something behind those words.

Reservations were sacred especially to the Natives, and Aniya was sure she wasn't descendent of any in her knowledge. So, the question she was often left with was why did they even allow her family to live there?

Billy Black is one of the elders, had been very welcoming to her especially since being Jacob's friend, she couldn't help but notice there was something about the way he looked at her. She couldn't explain it but since her drawings, she felt like maybe there is a connection.

"It's a beautiful place Emi," Aniya said as she touched one of the plants sitting on the porch. She looked at her friend who smiled," Thank you since I don't work, I spent most of my time just bringing life to this place. You should have seen it before, goodness-It was really, just-"

"Simple" Aniya added in making Emily laugh, and the sound of her laugh brought the attention of her fiancé in the house. After their argument and Leah's words, Sam realized that this was good for Emily. So, he told Emily to invite her over, and officially meet the friend that made her so happy.

"Try plain" Emily joked as Aniya laughed with her, then that was when Sam froze. He couldn't explain it, but when he heard Aniya laugh-He felt something strong, almost maternal come from her. He slowly walked out of the home to greet her, but the moment he laid eyes on her, he swore for a second that he saw a glimpse of a ghostly figure standing next to her.

The figure had his whole body feel cold even if his body was warmer than average. He had only seen a black and white image, of the Third Wife that the elders had, he was the only one out of the pack that had seen the sketched portrait, since it was a part of the importance for the alpha.

If Jacob had rightfully taken his place as an alpha, he would have also been granted the honour of seeing the portrait, since apparently, it was very important.

Aniya was not someone unimportant.

In fact, she was far from that-she was the sole figure for the wolves. Billy had only said a few words to Sam as he showed the photo "Once the Alpha knows, the entire pack will become stronger, as she is the one who restores. You'll feel the Primal pull"

Although, despite the last part, Sam did not feel a Primal pull, but instead a maternal. It was possible that the elders meant imprint or something stronger, but he felt none, and its because he had Emily already. Maybe the elders meant the true Alpha, but he knew how Jacob felt about Aniya, so he was left disoriented.

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