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The dinner at Sam and Emily's had really warmed Aniya greatly

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The dinner at Sam and Emily's had really warmed Aniya greatly. Since her best friends were busy with their boyfriends, it was nice to have someone else that isn't caught up in their romantic life-which she didn't even consider bothersome, but it still made her feel lonely.

Emily had been great to her, and with Sam no longer not wanting them to be friends, she was relieved. Aniya had arrived home and was greeted by her brother-in-law, "Welcome home Ani-honestly, I told your sister you were fine, but no-She went all 'What if she got hurt! Or Maybe she's with a guy'" He turned to her from the kitchen," You aren't hurt or with a random guy, right?"

She laughed walking into the kitchen," Nick, really? Me, with a guy?" She teased making him roll his eyes

"Well unless it was Jacob-"

Aniya frowned at the name as she cut him off," No we aren't friends, I already told you that-Look, I was with my friend, sorry if I worried you both"

Aniya didn't want to come out as rude especially her brother in law since he was nothing but nice to her. He was good for her sister, and it was one of the reasons she preferred not being home. They were a newly married couple, and she felt like they deserved to spend all the time together without having to worry about her wellbeing.

"Sorry Ani" He apologized to her," I know you hate the topic, but he was a really great person-"

"Yeah that is true, but people tend to change" Aniya sighed as she sat at the table," Sorry Nick, can we talk about anything that is not about Jacob?"

He smiled nodding his head," Of course-So this friend is it a guy?" He grinned acting like the usual," I mean if it is-I won't ask, until-"

"It's a girl, and her name is Emily Young" Aniya felt her face burn at the suggestion, she knew that Nick was the opposite of her sister, and that was he acted the role that most sisters would do. Then her sister was more of the motherly type that bugged her about school, and Nick was on her love life not that she minds.

"Oh! -Wait, Emily Young, the fiancé of Samuel Uley?" Aniya looked at him worried about what he was going to say as she nodded her head.

"That's nice, you know I always worried about her, people here in the Rez are so wary of her because of her injury. It's really suffocating how some people can act like that on something that couldn't be controlled. Sure, the question is why she might have been near a bear, but honestly, they shouldn't make it a big deal" She smiled at his rant and felt so happy that he didn't comment about why she was with the talk of the Rez, which was Sam who had a 'gang'

"You're okay that I hang out with her? I mean it might come to me also being around Sam and his friends-"

Nick reached over patting her hand," Ani, whoever you want to be friends with is not for me to judge. Besides, those boys are really helpful around the Rez. I don't get why people started the rumours about them being toxic. If you think about it, those mothers that say that, are the ones with the kids who need a reality check, not them"

Anthea, her older sister returned home and soon joined in the conversation having agreed completely with him. They all had ended the night later than usual at their discussion, which of most had been about Aniya making sure to call them more often if she wanted to stay out late.

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