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"Wait so the leech wasn't lying?" Paul lowered his voice as he looked around

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"Wait so the leech wasn't lying?" Paul lowered his voice as he looked around.

Maya stood up walking over to Aniya's bag that was in Jared's arms," Well we have the rest of her drawings, so while we connect them, what else did they say?"

"Well that was all he said" Quil shrugged his shoulder," The thing that leaves us questioning was why she was near the treaty line"

Maya walked over to the table with Serena as they took out the drawings, and Juliet stayed next to Aniya still running a hand through her hair," Why did she scream?" Seth questioned

"What if she meant to do that, to alert the Cullens, like maybe-She knew that one of them could read her mind?" Juliet said unsure, only having heard a little about them, and everyone knew about Bella's lover having the ability to read their minds.

"Guys you might want to see this" Maya looked up from the table that was scattered with the drawings. Jacob didn't move from his spot and stayed leaning on the armrest of the couch not wanting to leave her side.

He was absolutely horrified from the screaming and felt the pain of how distressed she sounded. When he was near her when phased, he felt the stronger primal pull he's ever could describe. He was sure that she was his to protect, and that was what he was slowly accepting.

Despite his comments, he knew deep down that he missed her, but Jacob was just blinded by Bella. He foolishly pushed away from the person that just might end up being the one who completes him.

"I am still dreaming, and it keeps repeating throughout the rest of the drawings" Juliet read out loud as she shot her head up," Aniya is stuck in her dream"

"It makes sense" Embry vocalized from the side of the table he was at," Earlier, when she was arguing with Jacob"

"She said you have no idea how much I wanted this to all be a dream within a dream," Jacob said as he walked over despite feeling the pain of not being by her side.

"You don't think she unconsciously said that trying to tell us, do you?" Leah pulled her hand away from biting her nails," If you think about it, she kept repeating how she said she can't go back to her normal life. Maybe this is the main reason why, and not just because she knew about the supernatural world"

"So, what we have gathered, is that she is still dreaming, even when she is awake?" Sam folded his arms keeping his lips in a firm frown.

"It's possible" Zahra voiced as she ran a hand through the sketch of her and Quil. She was the only one who had yet to meet Aniya and despite that, she like the others all feel the pain of her current situation.

"That Cullen-" Serena tried to hold her tongue from being too bitter," Do you think it's possible he can continue to read her mind and tell us what she's saying?"

"We are not going ask that leech for help" Jacob spat making Rachel huffed

"Would you just shut up for a moment Jake? Because right now, if we are right-Aniya needs us, no matter how much we all hate the idea of working with them"

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