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After Leah's words to Bella, it had done nothing on the Swan's choice when it came to the battle

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After Leah's words to Bella, it had done nothing on the Swan's choice when it came to the battle. She had refused to make Edward be part of the fight, in fear of him being in danger. Though, that choice gave all of the pack and Jacob a new sense of anger that gave them the strength they needed during the fight.

It was like a line that snapped in Jacob making him see Bella for who she really was. A true cold-hearted bitch, who would never love him, and hell, he was glad. Jacob had finally closed that part of his mind on wanting a future with her, and something inside of him seemed to click.

As for Aniya, she was still asleep, but she was currently in the hospital since all of them couldn't just keep her hidden while her family were going insane with worry. Sam had made the decision along with the Elders to allow her family to know about the tribe secrets.

Old Quil, Sue and Billy had been very accepting with it since they knew that it would not be fair to make up lies. They deserved to know the truth about what was happening with their sister. Her siblings and brother in law had been effortlessly compliant towards it mainly since her drawings had been proof enough. It was one weight off their shoulders.

After the discussion with the Elders, they had shared the same lack of knowledge of why Aniya was currently in the state she was in.

Though, as for Aniya, she was still able to hear and see everything. She had been feeling the dread of something happening, and so she was now standing in front of the doors looking at them trying to figure out which one was the right one. She could hear the pack fighting and it had been clear to her ears, as a soft voice called out to her. She kept trying to find the voice leaving her to a turmoil of confusion.

"Aniya" It was faint but she focused on that soft voice, it was a vague and faint connection, but she kept herself on focusing solely on it.

The flashes of her dreams had come through flashing before her eyes taking the air out of her lungs. It had been a repeating process that she had been dealing with since being locked into her mind.

"Aniya" The voice faintly called again, and it was still a weak connection. She tried to open her eyes, but the flashing images was blinding her sight. She needed to fight it but she didn't know how.

"Aniya!" She snapped open her eyes as she looked at her sister looking down to her. Aniya let out a breath as she blinked her eyes to clear her vision.

"God you are such a heavy sleeper" Anthea laughed," You gotta get up or you'll be late"

Aniya shot up and took in her surroundings and furrowed her brows. She was in her bedroom. "What the hell?" She mumbled running a hand through her tangled hair.

"Hey, Language missy~!" Anthea pointed her finger," Now get up, Nick is going to drop you to school, or if you prefer the bus then that's fine" She watched her sister walk out of the room as she shifted on her bed dangling her feet off the bed.

"What a strange dream" Aniya laughed getting up from the bed.

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