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It took Jacob three years-three years until Aniya had finally agreed to them becoming a couple

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It took Jacob three years-three years until Aniya had finally agreed to them becoming a couple.

Then when it came to marriage, he didn't get the chance because Aniya took that from him since she proposed.

That was 5 years ago.

"What on earth did you do now Jacob Black?" Aniya folded her arms looking at her husband

"What? What did I do now?" He whimpered

"Judith just came running to me saying that 'Daddy is unfair' so that gives me enough to know you did something"

"I-was just...." He started but trailed off

"I'm sorry?" She raised her hand to her ears," Did you say something?"

He huffed in defeat," She's only 4 and she's already claiming she's in love with a boy!"

Aniya raised her hand to her face," I should have known it was this again, seriously, you two are like a cat and dog sometimes"

"But I'm right" He retorted making Aniya chuckle

"You are just as bad as the guys"

"I call it good parenting"

"Though I have some agreement with you Dad" Hank their oldest son announced walking into the garage," Judy would at least be grateful if you didn't tell her that she can never date"

"That's my boy!" Aniya smirked high fiving their son.

She turned to Jacob folding her arms," You know, now that I think about, I feel like you and the guys all have a thing for antagonizing your daughters"

"Paul with Sarah, Embry with Amelia and Seth with Julia. Zahra is lucky out of us girls since she and Quil only have sons" Aniya listed off making Jacob sigh

"It's only a natural instinct for us" He mumbled

"Okay Papa Bear, let's go and find Judy before she throws a tantrum" Aniya waved her hand," And Hank-" She looked at her son who was grinning," For your fathers' dignity, go and play with the other kids. I don't think he needs an audience"

"Man, Dad you are lucky mom cuts you some slack! I was going to record it" He mumbled the last part but went heard by Jacob who frowned at him," Really? You'll expose your old man?"

"I love you, dad!" He quickly yelled running off but peeked his head in," I love you too Mom"

She chuckled waving turning to Jacob," You know, at least he remembers to always say I love you before he leaves"

"I love you" He turned up to her grinning and she clicked her tongue," Awh, I love you too, but nope Mister, you are not getting away from this"

They heard a giggle making them both turn to Hank who quickly hid," Hank!" Jacob whined only getting a faint laugh confirming that he ran off.

"He takes after me, I'm so proud" Aniya wiped her nonexistent tears turning to Jacob," Just like how Judy takes after you"

"What?" He asked like it was news to him

"Really? Judy is the carbon copy of you. Your sisters and Billy even told me"

"How are we alike?"

Aniya chuckled stepping aside motioning her hand," That's how" He turned the direction her hand was gesturing and he saw his daughter standing there.

"You both can never stay mad at each other"

"Daddy, I didn't mean to say I hate you. I love you so much" Judith declared making Jacob beam," I know sweetheart, come here"

She ran to his arms and both of them embraced. Aniya stood to the side and felt an arm wrap around her waist, she raised her hand putting it on the head of her son knowing it was him," Dad and Judith are so dramatic sometimes"

"Well someone's got to be, and that ain't us" Aniya whispered to him as she laughed," Yeah let's leave the dramatics to them"


"But I gotta admit Mom, I kind of want to join that hug" He whispered and she grinned," Me too"

Jacob and Judith had nearly been knocked over by Hank and Aniya joining the hug," Now this is what I call a hug!" Jacob wrapped his arms around the three of them," My beautiful family"

He got groans from all of them for his sappiness but he just ignored it through his laugh," Oh be quiet and deal with it"

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