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"Aniya you okay?" Paul asked as he stuffs his mouth making Jared swat his hand," Dude speak without food in your mouth"

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"Aniya you okay?" Paul asked as he stuffs his mouth making Jared swat his hand," Dude speak without food in your mouth"

Jacob rolled his eyes to the males and turned to Aniya," You barely touched your food, are you feeling sick?" She shook her head waving her hand," No, just-" She pursed her lips discreetly at the massive headache," I only got a few hours of sleep last night"

"Oooh? Why is it because of Jake?" Maya wiggled her eyebrows playfully making everyone at the table roar in laughter except for the couple.

"Oh my god" Jacob whispered raising his hand to his face," You people are unbelievable"

"You love us" Embry pat his arm which got slapped away in annoyance, "Aniya! Control your man!" He whined leaning on Juliet," Abusive that one" He mocked making Aniya roll her eyes smiling.

She found her headache disappearing the moment she stopped thinking about it which made her sigh in relief," So, are we still going to the beach?"

"If the sun shines..." Quil trailed off turning to his phone quickly smiling" Zahra said her mom confirmed that it's going to be sunny, so we are in luck!"

"Awesome! Do you think Sam and Leah would come?" Juliet asked looking at Seth

"Probably, but maybe not-Lately they been fighting a lot" He frowned making Maya reached over holding his hand.

"Leah deserves better," Aniya thought not daring to voice out her thoughts. She found herself furrowing her brows confused on why she even thought that in the first place.

"Well I hope they settle their differences" Paul shrugged his shoulder," I just want to have a fun time at the beach"

"You only say that because you hope my sister comes" Jacob commented making Paul choke on his food," Wh-What? No"

Aniya grinned leaning on her palm," Still trying to woo her huh? How long has it been now?" She turned to Jacob who smirked," 2 years"

"Oh, man you are committed" Jared teased making Paul hit his shoulder with his," Right says the one still trying to win over Rachel"

"Can we not talk about my sisters and your attempts to courting them?" Jacob murmured making the others laugh and Maya to grin," Yeah, you are the last to talk about courting, it took you 5 years to finally get Aniya to agree on dating you"

"Ooh they got you there" Aniya pat his shoulder winking at him," I played hard to get"

"Okay! Let's go back to the subject of the beach, so are we going to meet the Cullens there as well?" Jacob asked

"Yeah, they'll be there" Embry nodded his head returning back to eating," I think Edward has a new girlfriend, so he's bringing her"

"Well the more the merrier" Seth hummed as he smiled no longer feeling as down as earlier. He was grateful no one kept the subject about his sister going on and instead averted it completely.

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