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"I want you boys to be on your best behaviour," Emily said sternly to the pack, minus Jacob who was probably with Bella

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"I want you boys to be on your best behaviour," Emily said sternly to the pack, minus Jacob who was probably with Bella. She had wanted to properly introduce Aniya- minus Seth and Embry.

Although, they didn't know that her 'friend' coming was her, so all of them were on edge.

Leah, on the other hand, was so relieved to have another female around, though, unlike the boys she had already met Aniya. The two of them got along quickly, and would often find herself at Emily's when Aniya was around. She has also been told by Sam about the whole maternal feel and she told him she felt it right away.

Sam had been waiting for this day since he wanted to see if the rest of the pack would feel the connection like he and Leah had. Since it was Christmas break, none of them had seen Aniya since he figured out her importance. He knew the moment had to come before they went back to school and ending up being confused when she was around.

"No wolfing out, got it" Jared nodded his head grinning making Leah roll her eyes

"and being you" She mumbled making him laugh

"Oh come on Leah, I'm fun to be around"

Paul snorted hitting his shoulder," That is me, not you"

"That is neither of you" Leah grumbled," Please just for the sake of Emily, be normal. She is a nice girl, and I don't want her to stop hanging out with Emily"

Sam smiled at her words and turned to the males," Best behaviour, got it" He said making them all agree

Quil was the only one out of the males to know who the female was and he struggled to keep his thoughts away from the others, which he was successful because of Sam constantly making his thoughts louder if he nearly slipped.

The sound of a car pulling through the driveway filled their ears," Well that should be her" Sam said and Emily's head perked up at his words, as she ran out first with Leah on her tail

"Usually that is us" Embry joked as they followed after her not running as the girls had done.

The boys walked out to Emily embracing a female and to their surprise Leah laughing. Soon all of them had frozen in their places. They didn't see her face yet but just like how Sam felt, they did as well. They all felt a maternal feeling and they felt warmth despite their higher temperatures.

Seth broke out of the trance first and beamed seeing her," Aniya!!" He ran forward bouncing through his steps," So you're the mysterious girl!" Embry had followed next also happy to see their new friend from school. Since he started dating Juliet, he had gotten to know her more, but he just like Juliet felt horrible not being able to be around her much. It was the usual rule of not being close to people who weren't involved with the pack personally.

"Hey Embry, Hi Seth," Aniya said softly as they both hugged her, quickly they fell into asking just random question like 'how have you been?' to just a casual conversation. Quil had soon joined them, but Paul and Jared stayed far back.

Sam looked at them and sighed," Why are you two not greeting her?" He whispered as Paul spoke up while Jared just swayed on his feet, actually wanting to greet her but he knew that he wasn't the kindest to her in school like Paul

"Well-I remember you telling Jacob not to be near her, if he shows up, wouldn't it be dangerous?" Paul added as the males watched Sam fall silent.

Sam had silently prayed that his theory was right, and that Aniya would not trigger anger, but the Primal pull, he hoped greatly that was the result, and not the complete opposite.

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