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"Of course, I still have them" Anthea smiled as she left to her bedroom and came out with a box," I sometimes look at them when I want to get all nostalgic"

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"Of course, I still have them" Anthea smiled as she left to her bedroom and came out with a box," I sometimes look at them when I want to get all nostalgic"

Aniya didn't say anything as she grabbed the box and opened it, she rummaged through it and pulled out the drawings that caught her eye," Oh my god" She whispered as her siblings walked behind her, but she turned to face them with her eyes widen," I know these people!"

"Of course, you do, you spent a lot of your childhood talking about them Silly" Anthea chuckled and Aniya huffed but let out a small laugh

"Thea, I know these people, like KNOW them"

"They're real?" Aaron stumbled and Aniya nodded her head

"Yeah, look, Thea, this is Emily Young, you've seen her before and that's Sam Uley her fiancé"

Anthea took the paper and squinted her eyes looked at the said couple she pointed to and she gaped," Oh my-It is-How the hell did I not see that?"

"These are all people I know, and this is Maya and Jules" Aniya pointed and Anthea gasped

"How on earth did I not notice that either!?"

Aniya let out a laugh as she ran her hand through her hair," How is it possible I drew them at age five? All of us would have been kids around that time, and I wouldn't have known they'd look like this as adults!"

Aaron looked through the box and then scrunched his nose as he pulled out another one," And you with that Jacob Black kid?"

Anthea looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow," Well, that is Jacob, but-Wow, I think I need to get glasses"

Aniya looked at her siblings and furrowed her brows," I'm sorry you said, me and Jacob?" She almost laughed to their words but once her brother handed her the paper, she felt weak to her knees.

"Okay that's freaken weird" She whispered looking at herself and Jacob," Guys please tell me this is all a dream because if not I think I MIGHT really be insane"

"It's not insanity Aniya" Anthea spoke up," It's something, but far from being insane"

Aaron folded his arms and nodded," Agreed, Ani, do you think this has to do with you-Uh breaking up with your friends?"

"Wait" Anthea snapped her head facing her younger sister," What happened?"

Aniya sighed and lowered her hand that had the drawing of her and Jacob," I kind of dumped Maya and Juliet-

"Wait, Julietta? She's moved here?" Aaron asked since he didn't know 'Jules' was Juliet.

Aniya nodded continuing," Emily Young and her fiancé invited me to their home one day during the school break, and I showed them my recent drawings. All of them seemed to be shocked at it, and then one of them who is my friend, saw the book of" She leaned forward taking the drawing of the couples," These females, that apparently all had been real, besides the ones I've met" Aniya trailed off as she focused her eyes on the drawing again," I've never seen them before in my entire life, but they are all real people"

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