My Self-Insert Character

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Name: Geo
Age: 15
Height: 5'1
Star Sign: Scorpio

Pokemon Team:

Froakie (Male)
Fletchinder (Female)
Vanillite (Female)
Swadloon (Male)
Chandalure (Male)
Espeon (Female)
Tepig (Male)
Chimchar (Male)
Umbreon (Male)
Auzumarill (Female)
Charmeleon (Male)
Lucario (Male)
Phanthump (Female)

Geo and her mother lived in Kanto when she was born, with her father Lysandre working in Kalos. Her mom and Deliha (Ash's mom) were friends in their teen years, which is how Geo met Ash. However, Geo and Ash weren't able to get to know each other for too long, however, since Geo's mother decided to move to Kalos so Geo was able to see her father. Two years later, when Geo was 5, her mom became really sick, and eventually died in a few months after being diagnosed with being ill. This left her and Lysandre heartbroken. Lysandre wasn't able to take care of Geo because of how busy he was, and asked Deliha if she could take care of her, and she said she would. So Geo moved back to Kanto and was taken care of under Deliha's care, with Ash helping out. However, Geo wasn't "adopted" by Dehila; just was under her custody until she and Ash would go on their Pokemon journey. Geo would also call Lysandre from time to time, but they became less frequent as she got older since she would be off on her journey with Ash. But that's not to say she never did.

Geo tends to be a bit of a "mom" friend, usually looking out for everyone as if she was their parent; but she only moms others if needed and doesn't do it a lot. She cares deeply for Pokemon, and wants to help out as many as possible. Geo also has a huge sense of justice. No matter what situation she's in, whether she's stopping evildoers or in a fight with a friend, she would make sure justice is served.
Geo doesn't necessarily have a "dream," despite for being on a journey for so long, and just isn't sure what she wants to do. This is due to her many interests, such as performing, the gym challenge, etc. She's a bit of a free spirit, and will just go wherever her journey takes her.

Geo never talks about her family to others all that much; not even Ash. That being said, no one knows much about her family or her parents; hence why Ash doesn't know anything about Lysandre.

Geo has good experience in hand to hand combat, and when she's in a fight herself, she'd usually take off her skirt so she can have an easier time moving; she has an easier time fighting in shorts than a skirt, so she wears a pair of shorts under her skirt so if she ever needed to battle, she didn't have to worry about wearing her skirt and ripping it. Geo also has the capability to know what Pokemon are saying and can sense how they feel, giving her the role of the Pokemon Translator!

Relationship with Ash:
Geo is Ash's childhood best friend, who stuck with him for his whole journey. The two met when they were born, and became practically inseparable. They're practically twins, and have a bit of the same personality; determined, compassionate, brave, stubborn, hot-headed, and can be stupid when it comes to love (but Geo can see it better).
Geo and Ash knew each other ever since birth, but Geo and her family moved to Kalos when she was 3 because of her father's (*cough* Lysandre *cough*) job. But at age 6 (Ash's already met Serena at this point), Geo was under Deliha's custody, and Ash was asked to look after her since Geo was a few months younger than him. This caused Ash and Geo to have a sibling kind of relationship. And it didn't entirely grow out as they got older.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now