♦ .Why He Did What He Did. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

"Hey... where's Lysandre?" Geo asked. The others turned to the crater.

"Not sure... he fell into that explosion, right?" Max says.

"I mean, who cares?" Dawn asked.

"Dawn!" Brock scolds.

"No, no! It's fine. It's just... well... I don't know... I just..." Geo couldn't get the words out of her mouth. As if they were stuck in her throat.

"Pika? Pika-Pikachu!"
[Huh? Look over there!] Pikachu exclaims.

"Hm? What's up Pikachu? You see something in the crater?" Ash asked. He and the others turned to face the crater, and noticed what Pikachu was pointing to.

A small line of smoke was floating out of the crater.

"What is that?" Iris asked.

"Let's look!" Geo exclaims, and begins breaking into a sprint.

"Froakie?! Froakie!"
[Geo?! Wait up!] Geo's Froakie exclaims, him and the rest of her Pokemon running in her path.

"Hey, guys!" Serena exclaims.

"Come on! Let's follow them and see what's in the crater!" Ash says, and he, Pikachu, and Greninja break into a run as well. The others shrugged it off and began following the group.

Geo peered into the crater, looking for where the smoke was. When she found it, she looked downward to see what was down there.

Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach, and her eyes widened.

"Geo! What is down there -oh my GOD!" Ash exclaims, leering down the hole and falling back. The group peers down the hole, and just stared in shock.

"Sweet Celibi..." Cilan whispers.

"Is that... really him?" May asked.

"It sure as hell is..." Misty answers. The group was silent.

In the middle of the crater was Lysandre. But at the same time... it didn't look like him.

He was a little charred black from soot, with blood all over his stomach from a sharp-pointed rock impaling him.

"That's so messed up... even for him. What a way to go out." Brock says. The group nods in agreement.

Geo was having a hard time keeping herself together; she was splitting in half.

Seeing Lysandre there: her father figure, and mastermind of this whole destruction, she had no idea whether to feel relieved, or sad about her father's inevitable death.

"Damn... it's so odd..." Geo whispered.

"Huh? What is?" Dawn asked.

"I mean... seeing Lysandre there... or, well, my father. It's like... after all of this... I don't know if I should feel relieved and glad that he's dead... or if I should feel upset about it. It's so... weird. I feel bad, then I don't. It's like I'm split in half about the whole thing..." Geo explains.

Tears began to sting her eyes, and she tried to wipe them away. But they just kept forming.

"I guess that's how most people feel when they see someone related to them by blood laying dead." Malva says, walking over to the group.

"Wh-what's that supposed to mean?" Geo stutters. Malva walks to her side, and places her hand on Geo's shaky shoulder.

"When seeing someone you hate dead, people would be relieved. But if the person is related to you, it's pretty difficult. Even though you hate them with every fiber in your body and wanted them dead long ago, they're still a family member. So it's still hard for someone to swallow." Malva says, peering at Lysandre's corpse.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now