♦ .Breaking in and Getting Help. ♥

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Clemont's POV:

"Chespin, use Pin Missle! Bunnulby, Mud Shot and Luxray, Discharge! Aim them at Druddigon!" I shout. Three attacks head straight towards the huge dragon.

"Oh no you don't! Druddigon, Dark Pulse!" Aliana shouts. The dark energy beam collides with the three attacks, forming a cloud of dust.

"Liepard, you use Dark Pulse towards those people!" Bryony commands.

"Combine your Dragon Pulse with Liepard's Dark Pulse, Druddigon!" Aliana shouts. The light blue dragon-shaped beam of light starts mixing in with the dark beam.

"Braixen, Flamethrower! Pancham, Dark Pulse! And Sylveon, Swift!" Serena commands. The trio uses their moves, creating a firey, dark, glowing beam. Their combination collides with the combination move, but is being pushed back.

"Crap...! Despite using three moves against two, their moves are much stronger!" Serena states.

"Garchomp! Help them out with Hyper Beam!" Sycamore shouts. Garchomp launches a Hyper Beam into Serena's Pokemon's combo, merging into it. The beam Serena and Sycamore created begins pushing back towards Liepard and Druddigon, yet it was equal strength.

"I'll help too! Chespin, Pin Missle, Bunnulby, Mud Shot and Luxray, Discharge!" I shout. My Pokemon launch their attacks into the beam, and our side's combo move glowed brightly with many colors, and began pushing towards the two Pokemon and their admins.

"Wh-What?!" Bryony exclaims in shock. An explosion forms, causing a huge cloud of smoke. Shielding our eyes and mouths, we take cover from the explosion. Once the dust clears, we see Liepard and Druddigon on the ground, defeated.

"Damn it all... return, Druddigon!" Aliana says, taking out her Pokeball.

"You too, Liepard!" Bryony shouts. The two recalled their Pokemon, and start making their way off the roots.

"They're escaping!" Mairin shouts.

"Not on my watch!" A robotic voice shouts. After saying that, two metal ropes appeared,  one each wrapping around the two, and lifting them off the ground.

"Wh-What the-!" Bryony exclaims.

"H-hey! Let us go!" Aliana demands. A robot then hops on the root between them.

"Clembot!" I exclaim.

"Mission accomplished." Clembot says, hopping off towards us.

"Gh... this isn't over yet...!" Bryony shouts.

"Don't worry about it too much, Bryony... Xerosic and the boy will give them hell." Aliana whispers to her.

"Woah... a robotic version of Clemont?! Awesome!" Mairin exclaims in awe.

"Thank you so much, Clembot!" I say, pulling him into a hug.

"Ah-! This much affection isn't needed!" Clembot stammers embarrassingly.

"Sorry. Just happy is all." I explain, releasing him.

"No worries!" Clembot answers, smiling. "But how were you able to find us?" I ask.

"Oh! By them up there!" Clembot says, pointing upwards.

"CLEMONT! Up here!" Bonnie shouts, covered in bandages, waving in a stiff way.

"Bonnie! Alain!" I exclaim. With them were Diantha, Blaziken Mask, Shauna, Trevor, Tierno, and Sawyer. They were floating in the air, presumably from Diantha's Gardevoir's Psychic, and headed towards us.

After the Psychic wore off, Bonnie ran towards me and collapsed in my arms, eyes full of tears. This caused me to cry too.

"Clemont! Thank goodness you're okay!" She exclaims.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now