♦ .The End of an Era. ♥

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Geo's POV:

It's so odd looking back at the events that happened those few years ago.

At least three years have passed since the tragic events Lysandre have caused.

It really does feel like it all happened yesterday.

After turning away from the crater, we all were questioned by the police.

Things about the incident, if we knew Lysandre personally, and a lot more.

They were especially paying close attention to me, Ash, Greninja, and Alain. I mean, yeah, we were some of Lysandre's scapegoats.

Alain was used against his will to collect all of that Mega Evolution energy used to control Zygarde.

Ash and Greninja were placed under Lysandre's control to carry out his will like puppets.

And me... I don't know. I guess because we're both related by blood, they wanted to make sure he didn't raise me to be like him. Guess you can never be too sure, right?

It was a bit nerve wrecking to say the least though; I'd thought we'd get into some trouble since we did technically assist Team Flare's plans. Well, not intentionally, but still. We did help him out in some way.

But we got through it, and they did let the four of us go.

Turned out the others were already waiting for us; I guess since they weren't prime suspects, they didn't need to investigate them that much. At least... that's what I've been told.

Team Rocket the Gym Leaders, and the other adults were no longer there.

The others told us that Team Rocket has fled without a trace after they each were questioned, and the rest were out in the city making sure nothing else had happened during our battle.

"So... how'd it go?" Serena asked.

"Quite fine, actually. They're not detaining is, luckily. Guess they figured out that we were just unintentional accomplices to Lysandre and Team Flare." I reply. The others sighed in relief.

"Yeah. But, hey. At least we're all going out Scott free." Alain says. Then I noticed something about him and his Charizard. Ash seemed to also noticed too.

"Ah- Your Mega Ring and Mega Stone! What happened to them?" Ash asked. Alain smiled.

"Well, Charizard's was destroyed during our battle with you... and as for my keystone... I've decided to turn it in as evidence."

"What? Why's that?" I asked.

"Well... I got it from Lysandre when I first ran into him... and I've decided to turn it in as evidence. It doesn't feel right to me to get something that important from someone off the bat. I want to start from scratch... like Ash does. Start from the beginning and finding a Mega Stone on my own."

The others were a little surprised, including us, but we understood. That's when Sycamore and Mairin jumped in.

"You know, it's funny you mention that, Alain." Sycamore says with a chuckle.

"Why's that?" Clemont asked. Mairin then jumped in.

"Thing is, while you were being questioned, Sycamore was told by some of his assistants that there could be some stones like the Mega Stone at a cave called Frost Cavern!" She exclaims.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now