♦ .We Need to Talk. ♥

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Geo's POV

As everyone went up to their sleeping quarters, I stopped by the storage closet door to think about what happened.

With Serena.

In my room.

At the cafeteria.

Damn it all... my head was hurting before everything that happened, but now it felt like it was about to explode in a million pieces at any moment.

What in the world is Serena up too...?


What the-
I whipped my head around to the storage room door, and saw that it was wide open. And noticed that Ash was in there with a serious look on his face.

"Wh-What the fuck, Ash?!"

"We need to talk." Ash replies sternly.

"Wait, what-"

Before I could object or reply, or even say any word, Ash grabs my wrist and pulls me into the storage room.

"H-HEY! ASH!" I fall forward into the room, landing funny, as Ash shuts the door.


"SSSHHH! Will you shut up and calm down?!" Ash whisper shouts, covering my quivering mouth.

What is he thinking?! Why is he in here?

After a few minutes, I settle down.

"Are you done?" Ash asks. I nod.

"Okay. Now, like I said. We need to talk."

"About what?" I asks. Ash leans forward.

"About Serena." Ash whispered. I flinched at his answer. No way... did he...

"You... noticed too?" I asked.
"You noticed... Serena's behavior too?"

"I sure did. Serena's been behaving pretty strangely. It's as if she's here, but at the same time, she's not. You know?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, I get you; like she's here physically, but it's as if her usual sweet and friendly personality just vanished with an artificial version of that... and something else..."

"What do you mean by, 'something else?'" Ash asked.

"I mean as if a new personality has been added into her; an empty one..."

"Now that you mentioned it, she did have this vacant look in her eyes..." Ash replies.

"And... she was really acting strange earlier before we met you guys at dinner... while we were talking, she got really close to me... and seemed to be trying to 'help' me in someway... but I don't know what..." I add in, shuddering from that moment.

"That's... really strange... well, keep an eye on her... okay? We have no idea what she's up to." Ash warns.

"I will. You do the same, okay?" I asked.

"No kidding." Ash says, walking to the door and opened it. He looked both ways.

"Coast is clear." Ash says, walking out. I followed him out, still a little shaky from the sudden, "Ash-grabbing-and-pulling-me-into-the-storage-room" thing.


The door closed hard. The two of us turned around... and fear began to bubble, as SHE stood their, hand on the storage room door.

"So, what were you talking about?" She asked in a pissed off tone. We jumped and backed up, Serena giving the two of us the biggest death glares we've ever seen anyone give.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now