♦ .Death Run. ♥

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Geo's POV

Just run.

That's all I need to do now.

No... this is all I even CAN do now.

All I can do is run, while clinging on for dear life.

My legs were aching from running, especially my right foot, since it was just impaled. So I was just quickly limping around the maze.

There was no sign of anyone nearby; only the screens around me with Team Flare's symbol. This gave the death maze an eerie red lighting; though the dim white lights on the ceiling made up for it.

But not by much. In the background, I could also hear a faint video game music; it was a little distorted and 8-bitty... if that's even a word. It's like Lysandre made it look like the situation I was in right now was all some sort of boss level in a game.

"I'll be honest. I'm impressed by how much you've grown, Geo. But this is the end of your growth." Lysandre taunted.

Damn, how I wished to not here his voice right now.

I just ignored him, trying to focus on the maze. But other than the distracting video game music, one other thing was making it hard to focus; my friends.

Where were they...?

They are coming for me... right?


I felt part of the ground fall down a little, causing me to trip.


I looked around for where a trap was coming from.



"AH-" A sharp pain pierced through my left arm. I looked over to see the bandage wrap was a crimson red. Turning around, I looked to see what was a harpoon, covered in my blood. I couldn't even imagine what my arm looked like with a large hole in it.

I covered the hole with parts of the bandage, and kept on running.

I can't just stop now...!

No way!

This isn't over yet!

"I can make it...!" I repeated that phrase in my head every time.

"I have to...!"


I suddenly hear something behind me. I turn around.

A large round boulder. And it was rolling down towards me.

Is this man this determined to kill me...?

What the hell...?!

I turn forward and start booking it. I'm not in the mood to be crushed today...!


Oh great... what now...?

I look forward to see two shot put balls flying towards me. Before I could dodge them, they take a direct hit; one on my forehead near my right eye, and another on the side of my head.

"A-ah! Ow!" I stumbled back a little bit, and covered the large wound on my eye. It was cold, then warm, and wet and sticky from the blood that oozed out. My right vision was a little red, but the tears helped keep it out of my eye. Still aware from the possibility of getting squished from that boulder, I start quickly limping.

"Not like this... I'm not ready to die just yet...!"

As I got closer to what seemed like the end of the hall, I noticed something. There was a fork in the hall. I quickly turn right, and rest against the wall, now gripping on to my arm. I watch the boulder kept rolling straight down the left path.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now