♦ .Before It's Too Late. ♥

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(I'll be backtracking a bit; and see what's going on with Geo and the rest of Ash's friends before switching back with Ash and Serena)

3rd Person POV:

Geo collapsed on to the hard cold ground, her legs still aching from waking up that day.

"Ow... what the..." Geo looked around the dark room. Only her and the chute was with her.

"So, Geo, what did you think of Serena's little performance?" A man's voice rang. The voice she so-dreaded to hear. She turned to face forward and saw a television screen with Lysandre in front of her.

"I better not hear you utter my name again; what did you do to her?!" Geo demands, standing up.

"I simply helped her see what I see; about how this world is full of rotten people. Well, temporarily. The brainwashing I inflicted on her was only for a certain amount of time. But eventually, I'll be sure that your friends will see the world like how I see it; I'll be sure that they aren't blind from the truth." Lysandre says coldly, not removing his sneer on his face.

"Don't you dare to even lay a finger on them! What are you gonna do to them?! What are you gonna do to me?!" Geo shouts. Lysandre then delivers the most sinister smile Geo has ever seen.

"Well, all sinners must be punished for their crimes, right?" Lysandre says.

Geo froze on the spot. What does he mean by "punished?"

Two beams of light flickered on to her, like she was about to perform the final act of a show; like all eyes were now on her.

And they are indeed.

As Lysandre's final act begins.

Clemont, Bonnie, Alain, Marian, Diantha, Sycamore, and Meyer lead the group down the stairs of the destroyed Pokemon center, watching their step as they descended.

"Be careful, everyone. You never know when something unexpected is going to happen." Diantha says.

"Do you think Ash is going to be okay?" Korrina asks.

"No worries. Ash is going to be fine!" Iris says.

"Don't get your hopes too high, Iris. It would leave a bad taste in your mouth if anything happened to him and the others." Cilan warns.

"Cilan's right; we can't be too sure of what Team Flare is capable of. He was able to create destruction and disorder all across the world, and has the capability to turn our allies into his weapons; like he did with Ash, Greninja, and possibly Serena. So we need to keep our guards up." Sycamore says.

"Hey guys! Looks like we're at the bottom." Alain says. The group turns to the large set of doors. Clemont, Bonnie, Alain, Marian, Diantha, Sycamore, and Meyer all push the door open, and they were greeted with a strange sight.

It was as if the Pokemon Center and the hospital was transformed into a completely different place.

The people and Pokemon that we're taking shelter have all gone missing, the hallways and some of the rooms were sealed and boarded off, and there was an abundance of television screens near the ceiling. It's like if they were inside a theater; only with no seats and a lot of screens.

"What's going on...?" Bonnie asks, clutching her bag tightly, with Dedenne, Squishy, and Z2 poking their heads out.

"How did this room change in such a short amount of time...?" Korrina asked, standing back to back with her Lucario.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now