♦ .Just in Time. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

"So, are we late to the party?" Clemont asks, tweaking his glasses confidently.

The group was relieved. Stunned, but relieved.

They're still with us...

They're okay...

"Clemont! Bonnie!" Geo, Ash, Serena, Team Rocket and their Pokemon run up to everyone.

Geo, Ash, and Serena, tears in their eyes, grasp the Lumious siblings into a tight hug.

"You're safe...! Thank fucking Arceus...!" Geo exclaims.

"You too... thank god you're all alive." Clemont whispered.

"We were so worried...!" Bonnie whimpers.

"De-dene! Dedenne!"
[Pikachu! You're all alive!] Dedenne cries out, hugging Pikachu, then Goodra tightly.

"Pikachu Pika Pika!"
[You're all safe too!]

"Goodra Goo...!"
[Glad you're safe...!] Goodra says, comforting the little electric type.

"Hey, happened to your hair? It looks a lot shorter." Bonnie asked, pointing out Geo's chopped hair.

"Oh yeah. What DID happen to it?" Ash asked.

"Oh. When I was in the death maze, a blade sliced through it and chopped it. Not an ombré anymore." Geo explained, surprised that they didn't notice earlier. They probably didn't want to mention it, being preoccupied with saving me and all.

"But... how are you here?! Weren't you all with Team Flare...?" Serena asked, still holding Chespie.

"We were about to. But Olympia and the other Gym Leaders saved us just in time when we were about to give in." Alain explains.

The others turned to see the other Gym Leaders; Viola, Grant, Ramos, Valerie, Olympia, and Wulfric (A/N: Korrina was already with them up to this point, so she's not in the list).

"Yeah... if we weren't, we wouldn't be here right now." Diantha says.

"Hmm-hmm. Thank goodness you all are still okay." Valerie says sweetly.

"Yeah; thanks guys. We owe you big time." Korrina smiles.

"And we also got a bit of help from Malva." Marian says.

"Malva? Who's that?" Geo asks.

"Wait... you don't mean-" Jessie starts to say.

"Well, yes she does." A women's voice says. Sh walks out of the crowd. The group notices that her clothing seems awfully similar to Team Flare's.

"I'm a former admin of Team Flare. So I helped everyone out by leading them the way here."

"Hold on... you were PART of Team Flare...?!" Geo asked.

"Yes. I know you may want to attack me because of that. But trust me. I'm not an enemy." Malva explains. Geo wasn't convinced.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now