♦ .Monster. ♥

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3rd person POV:

A few hours have passed; the gang caught Ash up on what he missed.

Dawn, May, and Serena seemed to have gotten closer and were like a Contest Trio. Clemont and Bonnie also interacted with Brock, Cilan and his other two siblings a lot as well, while Iris and Misty talked to each other. They never got word on what happened to Tracey, Oak, or Dehlia, probably from the lines across the world are still down. Team Rocket has also left Kalos to head back to their main base, as he was told.
On top of that, Kalos was still in the same condition; crimson red skies, roots destroying the earth, and no sign of Team Flare anywhere ever since Lysandre and the admins made their escape.

After a bit, Ash decided to walk around the hospital to search for Geo and Alain; and to clear his mind a bit. From what he was told, they were on the same floor, so they shouldn't have been too hard to find. But he still felt a little dizzy, so he had a bit of trouble staying balanced. After about five minutes, he luckily found Alain, Sycamore, and Marian, sitting and chatting. Alain was clearly looking tired; he must've just woken up. Sycamore's eyes then avert to Ash, and they lit up.

"Ah! Ash!" He exclaims. Alain and Marian turn to see Ash, walking inside the room.

"Hey there guys!"

"Hey Ash! You look so much better!" Marian says, waving. He noticed that her wrist was wrapped in a bandage wrap.

"What happened to your wrist?" Ash asked.

"Oh, it kind of gotten injured during the battle against... "you," me and my Floette were knocked back pretty hard. But it's feeling okay. How about you?"

"Still a little jacked up; feeling pretty tired and dizzy, but I'm fine!" Ash says.

"Well, you seemed to be more or less back to your old self." Alain remarked.

"Not really- woah..." Ash looked at Alain, and just saw what horrible condition he was in. His stomach was all wrapped in bandage wrap, with the stab wound's area was crimson red from the blood. His hair was extremely messy, and his face and arms were covered in bandage wrap.

"Horrible, isn't it? I'm pretty jacked up too." Alain says.

"I-I'm really sorry..."

"Don't worry about it. Really, I'm fine." Alain says.

"Did you hear anything about Chespie?" Ash asks.

"No... he's at Lysandre Labs... we'll need to sneak in here at some point and rescue him." Marian explains.
"Not now though. We still need to make sure you and Geo are all better before we do anything like that."

"Hey, speaking of her, have you heard about Geo?" Ash asked. The three's faces then became melancholic.

"Yeah... from what we were told, she's probably not gonna make it..." Sycamore says.

"That's what I was told as well... do you know if I can visit her...?" Ash asked.

"I don't know. Maybe you can; she's next door to us on the left." Marian says, pointing to the rooms direction.

"Okay, thanks." Ash says, walking out. Before leaving the room, he looks to Alain, and says,

"And, uh... Alain..."


"I'm sorry about what I did to you before. Get better soon." Ash says. He turns and leaves the room.

Ash's POV:

I left the room, and just needed to take a breather.

"To think how much pain I brought to everyone... How could they forgive me for what I've done...?"

How could they have forgiven you? Your right about that.

What-? I turned around to see who was talking to me. No one was behind me.


It's your fault that everyone is injured, after all.

Who's there...?! I looked around, looking to see if there's anyone talking to me.

But there was nothing.

You know exactly what you are, Ash. You're no friend.

What is going on...? If there's no one around me... then who-

Even though you were controlled by Lysandre, what you did is still inexcusable. You nearly killed your friends.

Suddenly, I felt a person grip on to my shoulders, and pull me backwards.

You are a monster.

I turned around. For a split second, I saw some sort of shadow. I blinked in surprise... but then it was gone.

What...? What the hell was that...?

Ugh; I'm probably just still scatter brained. I just need to settle down. Yeah... I just need to settle down, that's all. I continued to walk down the room that Geo was in. Before I opened the door, Nurse Joy walked out.

"Oh! Hello, Ash! What brings you here?" She asked.

"I came to see Geo. If that's okay."

"I see. Well, you can certainly go in to check on her. She's still in a coma, though." Nurse Joy mentions, and walks out. I walk inside. And there she was.

Geo was laying in bed, down under. Her eyes were slightly open, but they were extremely glassy.

Both legs were in bandage wrap, her arms were covered in bandages and gauze, her stomach had a few stitches on it, her neck was wrapped up, and her head had a large wrap in it. She also had what seemed to be a million scars on her whole body.

The heart monitor was still beeping, but everyone wasn't kidding when they said Geo may not make it. She was in horrible condition.

I walked over to the unconscious body of my best friend. I gripped her right wrist, and I just... started talking... as if she was awake. I mean, what else am I going to do? She's so out of it that she couldn't move or speak. But to some extent I was just hoping that she could hear me. But one can keep their composure for so long.

I placed my head next to her hand... and just cried.

To think my friend is pretty much gone... and all because I was so weak and couldn't fight back...

This is a burden that I can't carry...

Being the one responsible for killing a friend...

What kind of friend is a person that does that...?

What kind of a friend am I...?

Who am I kidding... I'm not a friend... I'm a monster.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now