♦ .The Final Battle. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

"Everyone, let's show him our true power!" Diantha says. The Pokemon nod, along with their trainers.

"Ready... NOW!"

The Pokemon launched their attacks; fairy dust, lightning bolts, dark energy, waves of water, whirlwinds of grass and leaves, gusts of wind, flaming fire, the crumbling earth, and much more. All of the moves combining into a bright white beam of light with the colors of the rainbow swirled in. Lysandre was prepared, though. He launched his arm out, and the robotic Zygarde charged up, and launched a glowing red and white beam of Mega Evolution energy at the gang.

"Huh...?!" Clemont noticed Lysandre launch out his arm, as the device on his arm activate.

The two beams collided, and kept pushing; the beams kept pushing close to the group, but then to the Zygarde robot and Lysandre. It was like a tug of war, but not really. Where the side who pushes the beam to the other side to destroy the opposing team wins. This little game didn't last long, though. The two beams couldn't push each other much longer, and equally exploded into a large dark red and grey explosion with a few colorful clouds. The Zygarde robot was pushed back slightly, but the gang wasn't that lucky. They were pushed back pretty far back, tumbling to the ground and getting hit by the debris.

"Gh... Sweet Celibi...!" Korrina mutters, winded by the blow.

"Is everyone alright?" Steven asks. Everyone nods.

"Yeah... but damn, was that strong...!" Ash grunts, checking for all of his winded Pokemon.

[No kidding...] Greninja says, helping Ash up.


"What the-" Geo exclaims at the sudden noise. Everyone turns to see the Sun Dial, now no longer the light purple.

But now, a glowing crimson red.

"Wh...what the hell...?!" Korrina exclaims.

"What is happening...?! Geo asked. "Olympia?! What's causing the Sun Dial to change color?!"

"It's sensing danger approaching..." Olympia says, hints of fear in her slightly trembling voice. "Whenever a large disaster is approaching, the Sun Dial will turn red, as a way of warning Anistar City and Kalos about said warning. Depending on how bright its glow emits, the more dangerous or closer the threat is becoming." The Sun Dial light was blinding; it was like it was a second sun, its red light glowing the entirety of Anistar City.

"And this... this is its strongest glow." Olympia whispers.

"It's strongest glow...?!" Geo gasped.

"Yes... so this means that that Zygarde robot is dangerously close to it to become life threatening. If we don't destroy it soon..." Olympia refrained from finishing.

"Our world... our fight for our futures... it will be over." James says.

"Well, we still need to crush that thing to bits! We can't just let it get closer to the Sun Dial!" Jessie exclaims bitterly.

"No shit... but how are we gonna take that thing out?" Chili asked.

"Beats me..." Cress replies.

"Hey, everyone! There's a device on Lysandre arm; I believe that's what's causing it to move!" Clemont says. Everyone looked up to Lysandre, his stern face peering down at them.

"Huh? On his arm?" Ash asked, peering closer.

"Right; if we destroy that device, maybe the machine will stop moving!" Clemont suggests.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now