♦ .We Love You. ♥

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Geo's POV:

All time slowed down. A sharp pain in my shoulder started to throb like there was no tomorrow, as the blade was pushed in deeper and deeper. As I felt time's speed pick back up, I just couldn't hold in the urge to scream.


"G-Geo!" Serena exclaimed, running over.

"I'm alright!" I say, feeling the pain slowly disappear.
"I'm alright..." I look up at Ash, to see his eyes still glowing that crimson red, and tears forming in his eyes.

"Think Ash... think back from the very beginning... when we met each other for the first time... we started our journey and met Pikachu, then Misty and Brock... and everyone else after our journey in Kanto..." The tears in Ash's eyes started to pour down, and I felt them too. I slowly grasped the blade in Ash's hand, and steadily pulled it out of his grasp.
Releasing it, letting it fall to the ground as it made a KLANG. The blood on it staining the metal floor.

"Ash... I... no, we..." I knew this was something I should've done long ago. I pulled him in closer, hugging him tightly.

"...we love you."

Ash's POV:

That last phrase kept on repeating in my head.

"...we love you."

I felt all the memories pouring right back into me. When I met Geo, when I met Pikachu, and the others... every single one. I just wanted to let it all out. I felt all of the anger suppressing my real feelings disappear, and the real feelings overflowing my whole body. I just... hugged her back, letting the tears flow down.

"...thank you..." I say, the anger inside of me now gone. I felt Geo lurch in surprise.

"Ash? Did you...?" Geo looked at me in surprise. I smile.

"Guess you didn't hear me, huh?" I reply, chuckling. Geo smiled, but it seemed like her emotions got the better of her. Her smile fell apart, and she buried her face in my chest, sobbing.

"ASH! You're really back!" She said, her voice muffled and clearly breaking from crying.

[ASH!] I hear a voice say. I turn to see Pikachu and my other Pokemon running over, exhilarated. Pikachu hopped on to my shoulder, tears in his eyes.

"Pikachu! It's really you...!" The others joined in the group hug, talking all at once which I can only assume was them all saying that they were so worried about me.

"Oshawott Osha!"
[You has us so worried!]

[Thank Arceus...]

[You're saaafe...!]

"G-Guys! Come on! You didn't have to...!" I say, a little squish from the sudden group hug, but I couldn't help but laugh... everyone was here... but how...?
After a bit, we split apart from our hug, Geo included.

"Here, Ash..." Geo says, taking the hat, or, well, my hat, off of her head and handing it out to me.

"It's yours." I take it, and place it back on my head.

"Pikapi, Pika Pi-ka."
[It's great to have you back, Ash.]

"Thanks, buddy. But how did all of my other Pokemon get here...?" I ask, looking at everyone.

"I brought them here with me. I asked Professor Oak to send them over, and he did just that..." Geo explains. That's when I realized...

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now