♦ .How Could this Happen. ♥

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Geo's POV:




This isn't real...

It couldn't be...

How could this have happened...?!

"Where... are they...?" Ash whispered.

"They... they couldn't have... they couldn't have been... br-brainwashed... right...?" I ask. No one answered.

"We were too late..."

The whole room was silent. All we could here was the static from the screens around us, it's silent yet clear buzzing echoing through our ears.

"But how...?" Serena asked. "That subliminal shouldn't have done the full effects...! So how were they..."

"What are we gonna do?! We're now even shorter of a group than before!" Jessie asks. I didn't say anything. I couldn't get any words out of my mouth; my throat was clogged up and my eyes were streaming down tears.

"I... don't... know..."

I felt so lost.

I thought I could forgive myself to lead the group to victory. I thought I could forgive myself for not doing anything to help Lysandre.

But no.

I brought my friends... no... my family... down farther down than ever before...

This is all my fault...

"There's nothing we can do... it's over."

The others gasped.

[It's... over...?]

"Pika... Pika, Kachu?"
[We... can't do anything, Geo?] Pikachu asked. I shook my head in response.

We fell in hopeless silence.

"No... it's not. There's only one thing that we can do." Ash says. I look up. He reached out his hand.

"We keep going."


"Remember when you saved me and Greninja...? You never gave up on us. You didn't stop trying to break us out of Lysandre's control. You can't give up now..."

I felt the determination in his eyes pierce through my skin and wash away my doubts.

"Get up... and don't knock yourself down."

I slowly raised my limp arm, and grasp his.

"...alright." Ash carefully pulls me up so he wouldn't injure me more than I already am.

"Well, at least your spirit is back up, but how do we know where to look for them?" James asks.

"Well, do you think they're at Lysandre Labs?" I suggest.

"Maybe, but how do we know where it is? We've never been to that building before." Ash says.

"I can look on my map. Hold on..." Serena pulls out her tablet, and does a few button pressing until...

"...ah! Here we go! It's pretty close. It's only a 15 minute walk." Serena says, showing us the map.

"So that's the building? Well, that's good to know. Let's get out of here!" I say.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now