♦ .Teams. ♥

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Geo's POV:

It was all a dream. It had to be. None of this is real, right? It can't be real.

I repeated those words over and over again in my head.

I kept on pinching my cheeks, hoping I was dreaming, desperate to wake up, but each pinch on my cheeks came with the feeling of miniature pain from each pinch.

I had to come to the cold realization that this wasn't a dream.

Even though I didn't want to come to that horrible realization.

Everything that's happening right now in front of us is real.

All we could hear around us were buildings being torn down from those strange plants, the footsteps of people and Pokemon running, and their blood curdling screams.

All we could see were the people and Pokemon running, some being lucky, others not so much.

A few feet in front of us was a man on the ground that was impaled by one of those strange plants, covered in blood. That scent of fresh blood made me feel sick to my stomach. I covered my mouth and nose to keep myself from puking.

"Wh-What the fuck is going on?!" I scream.

"How are we supposed to know?!" Alain shouted.

Not a single soul could even think of a good explanation.

I turned around to see everyone. Ash, Pikachu, and Alain's faces were full of horror and confusion.

Serena was on the brink of fainting, her whole skin as pale as a ghost, and her mouth was clasped closed by her hands, like she was about to puke any second from the stench of blood and from the sight of the unfortunate man's corpse in front of us.

Bonnie and Dedenne had tears in their eyes, practically crying at this point, from everything that's going on and with Squishy being missing, with Dedenne shaking heavily in Bonnie's bag and Bonnie hugging Clemont closely.

Clemont held his little sister close, with the same look of pure horror.

"Wh-where is Mairin?!" Alain asked, looking around frantically.

"I'm over here!" A girl's voice shouted.

We turn to see a red-haired girl with a green hat running towards us, with a frenzied look.

With her was a man in a blue shirt and black pants with slightly messy black hair, who turned out to be Professor Sycamore, his Garchomp in its mega-evolved state following close behind.

"Mairin! Professor!" Alain yelled, running towards them. Me, Ash, and his friends followed him.

"Are you all okay?" Sycamore said in a concerned tone. We all nod.

"How about you Mairin?" Alain asks the girl.

"I'm alright." Mairin replied, her voice quivering with fear and her eyes watery.

"That's a relief." Alain says, breathing a huge sigh of relief.

"Have you guys seen Squishy?!" Bonnie asks.

"Wait, Squishy's missing?!" Ash exclaimed.

Since me, Ash, and Alain were down at the battlefield when the chaos started happening, we were separated from Serena and the Lumious siblings for a little while until we were able to meet up.

"Y-yeah... it escaped out of my bag while we were running..." Bonnie explained.

"No... we haven't." Ash and I say. Bonnie looks down in worry. I look out into the city.

"What is happening...?" I ask.

"I think this is the work of Team Flare." Ash said.

"Team Flare?" Sycamore asked.

"You mean those people with the red jumpsuit get-up and sunglasses?!" I exclaim. Ash nods.

"W-what are we gonna do?!" Serena cried out.

"I think it's best that we split up and figure out what's causing all of this." Ash explains.

"But how are we going to communicate with each other?" Serena asks.

"I think I have just the thing..." Clemont said, tweaking his glasses. He took off his backpack, placed it on the ground, and opened it up.

He pulled out a couple of small remote-looking speakers, each a different color.

"Are those walkie talkies?" Alain asked.

"Yeah. I made them in case of emergencies. These could help us stay in contact." Clemont explains.

"Before we do take them, should we get ourselves into groups?" Mairin asked. We all complied with agreement.

"Aaahh... OW!!" a girl's voice started screaming.

"Bonnie?!" We all turned around to see Bonnie, clutching her head and breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?! Get a hold of yourself!" Clemont shouts, holding her close and trying to calm her down.

"S-something's happening... t-to S-Squishy! I-I th-think... it's in p-p-pain...!" Bonnie breathed out, tears streaming down her face.

"You're able to sense Squishy's pain?!" I shout.

"They've been together for a while now... they've must've made a deep connection ever since meeting it." Ash suggested.

"What could be happened to Squishy...?" Serena asks.

"I hate to ask, but who's Squishy?" Mairin asks.

"A friend of ours. It's a Pokemon that can transform into Zygarde if it gains enough cells." I explain.

"Squishy..." a girl's voice whispered. We turn to see Bonnie, rubbing her arms as if she gotten many cuts or bruises on them.

"What could of happened to Squishy...?" Bonnie whispers, holding back tears.

"We'll figure everything out... don't worry." Sycamore says.

After a bit of situating, and giving Bonnie time to calm down, we got our groups sorted out.

Group 1: Ash, Geo, Alain

Group 2: Mairin, Serena, Sycamore, Clemont, Bonnie

"Here." Clemont says, holding out 3 walkie-talkies; one blue, one purple, and one black.

"Take these in case you're in trouble. Try your best not to lose them. With these, we'll be able to keep in touch with these and update each other on everything. Meaning if you do lose them, or if they end up in the wrong hands, then we won't be able to figure out if you're in good condition, or if the culprits behind these strange plants destroying everything have done anything to you guys." Clemont explains. The three of us nod.

Ash grabs the blue, Alain takes the black, and I grab the purple. Clemont then hands Serena one that's hot pink, Professor Sycamore is given a dark blue, Mairin a light green, Bonnie a yellow, and he has a light teal one for himself.

"And can you be on the lookout for Squishy?" Bonnie asked, voice quivering heavily and eyes a little puffy and light pink from crying.

"We'll keep an eye out." I reassure her. Bonnie wiped her eyes and cheeks.

"Th-thanks..." Bonnie said, giving us a hopeful smile.

We all turn on our walkie-talkies.

After a few seconds of testing them out to make sure they worked, we split off our separate ways.

"Be careful you three!" Serena shouts. We all wave back.

Don't you worry, Serena. Clemont. Bonnie. Mairin. Professor Sycamore. We promise to stay safe. We'll all stop the culprits behind this. For the sake of Kalos. No, not just Kalos; for the sake of the world. We know we will. No doubt...

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now