♦ .Be Prepared. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

The group soared for what felt like hours; searching and searching for the City of Psychic.

"To think a glow that bright would mean that the one thing emitting it would be close by." Geo says.

"Yeah... but no sign of anything anymore." Ash says.

"Don't give up just yet. Still be on the look out." Diantha mentions.

"Hey, Squishy? Do you and Z2 sense anything out of the ordinary?" Bonnie asked, turning her head to her bag. Squishy and Z2 both close their eyes.





...Ah! I sense it! The energy! We must be getting close! Squishy says.

"Really? How far do you think will it be to-"

"Hey guys! Over there!" Geo exclaims, pointing to the horizon. Everyone turns their heads, and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

It was gigantic. Almost like the real thing.

It was a black and red robotic version of Zygarde, roots growing around the bottom, and it was moving straight to a large lavender and purple crystal across a large body of water.

The Sun Dial.

"Is that it...? Is that the Sun Dial?" Sawyer asked.

"That's correct." Olympia answers.

"And I take it that's the thing we saw and what the Zygarde core Bonnie has senses, correct?" Wulfric asks.

Right. It's that fake Zygarde down there. Squishy replies, as everyone soars over the robot like an enormous flock of Fletchling.

"It's certainly big, so it may take a while to look for it's main energy source." Meyer mentions.

"Yeah, maybe whatever's controlling it is inside of the robot?" Clemont wonders.

"Well, we won't know until we fly down and find out. Now, let's hurry before it gets in contact with-" Malva starts to say.

"You little BRATS!"

A loud crackling sound was heard from behind them. Everyone turns their heads to the direction of the voice and cracklings sound-


Before they could react, the strange move made contact with their targets, as everyone plummeted down to the ground below, their screams echoing through the sky as the psychic wore off.

"At this rate, we'll be nothing but red mush!" Dawn shouts.

"This can't end like this...! Not after coming so far...!" Ash shouts.

"Froakie! Quickly use your frubbles!" Geo shouts. Froakie nods, unleashing his frubbles around the area; scattering like dandelion seeds.

One by one, everyone landed on a cloud-like spot of fluff.

"Phew. That was to close." Iris says, holding her trembling Axew close.

"Yeah. Thank you so much, Froakie." Geo says, hugging her exhausted partner.

"Fro Froakie..."
[Of course...]

"Is everyone okay?" Geo asked. Everyone nods.

"Are you alright, Marian?" Alain asks, helping her sit up.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't you worry. Oh; and Chespie's fine too." Marian replies, observing her partner for any bruises.

"Thank goodness..."

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now